Debug Logging

I don't recall ever seeing this before during an Export. Does this prevent that Exported and Published data field from having its prints stored in a device LOG.TXT file that is created by a user to capture console writes? I didn't set any compiler options that would disable it.

  • You can easily check it in a beta app, but it sounds like the debug logging refers to the build process, not your app

  • but it sounds like the debug logging refers to the build process, not your app

    Yeah, I tried to recreate this and:

    - if I export a project with no (additional) compiler options set in the Monkey C extension settings, I don't see the warning in the OP

    - if I add "--debug-log-level 0" (for example), the warning in the OP is displayed during export:

    WARNING: Debug logging is disabled for export.

    I didn't set any compiler options that would disable it.

    Did you set any of the compiler options related to debug logging: "--debug-log-level", "--debug-log-output", "--debug-log-device"?

    Clearly the compiler warning is telling you that the debug logging feature (related to those options) won't work during export.

  • VSC Monkey C Settings:

    Compiler Options: none

    Debug Log Level: Errors Only

    Optimization Level: Default

    Type Check Level: Default

    However my monkey.jungle file has this:

    project.manifest = manifest.xml
    project.typecheck = 0
    project.optimization = 2pz
  • Interesting.

    Can you show us the terminal output after the following line:

    Executing task: monkeyc: Export

    It should look something like this:

    java -Xms1g -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dapple.awt.UIElement=true -jar /Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/Garmin/ConnectIQ/Sdks/connectiq-sdk-mac-7.4.3-2024-12-11-90ec25e45/bin/monkeybrains.jar -o PROJECT_ROOT/source/ -f PROJECT_ROOT/monkey.jungle -y PATH_TO_KEY -e -r -w --disable-api-has-check-removal

  • Oh nvm, the answer is right here:

    Debug Log Level: Errors Only

    If I change that option from Default to Errors Only, then my build command line also has the following options:

    --debug-log-level 0 --debug-log-output PROJECT_ROOT/bin/

    No offense, but I don't know how you can see an option called "Debug Log Level" and see options starting with "--debug-log" in the terminal, but not make the connection with a warning that says "Debug logging is disabled for export."

  • Hmmm. It specifies a file. Common sense would suggest we  turned on logging for ERRORS, and there is a log file specified in the terminal command. So I don't see how you see that any infer that debugging would be disabled. level 0 doesn't tell us what that means. Errors Only and a log file suggest we should get debug logging for errors in that file? But I changed from Errors Only to Default and now that message isn't showing.

  • Debugging isn't disabled because of the setting but because of you running an export project (as opposed to building a single device)