Morse code with flashlight

Any ideas on how to implement morse code with the flashlight? The problem I'm currently running into is that it's not possible to "wait" half a second between switching modes on the flashlight... I was thinking of implementing something with System.Timer, but I'm not sure it's the best approach

  • I think this would be very cool. Yes, I think the System.Timer would be the best (and only) approach. I think it would be cool to see the final product if you end up releasing it to the store!

  • You can't just spin and wait it that to change.  The watch dog could kill your app.

    You might want to look at using Toybox.Timer and set a one-shot for the time you need for a dot, dash, and gap so you aren't looping.

    But you might want to use a continuous one as you probably want it for things like updating the display, etc