Persistent Storage Files

I can delete Persistent Storage values for my field on my EDGE 1050 by removing all three of these (DAT, IDX, IMT). Does anyone know what each of these three DATA files contains?

Also, in my Windows based VSC IDE and the CIQ Simulator, it also retains Persistent Storage. Anyone know what file to remove to purge it? I can view the Storage Data in the Simulator, but can't seem to modify/delete it.

  • In the simulator look at the bottom of the file menu. Something like delete all app data and you can also use the delete all apps and reset simulator

  • Anyone know what file to remove to purge it?

    As flocsy said, you should be able to use File > Reset All App Data or File > Delete All Apps in the simulator.

    If you're looking for something more granular, you can just open the simulator's temp folder. On Windows, this is located at:


    You should know about this folder since it's been brought up before in one of your threads:

    Here you'll find a set of files and folders that is similar to what you'd see on a real device, including the GARMIN\APPS folder. You can dive into that folder and find the DAT, IDX, and IMT storage files yourself, at which point you can examine them or delete them.

    TL;DR the simulator temp folder should have the same kind of storage files as the real device (same relative location, same naming scheme, same structure)

  • (DAT, IDX, IMT). Does anyone know what each of these three DATA files contains?

    No clue, but I can guess a couple based on the extensions:

    .DAT: data?

    .IDX: index?

    .IMT: ??? (metadata? idk)