Does Connect IQ actually support Double values? as far as I can see, the accuracy of all values seems to be limited to float, no matter how you declare them
Take the following code for example:
Does Connect IQ actually support Double values? as far as I can see, the accuracy of all values seems to be limited to float, no matter how you declare them
Take the following code for example:
- 1.123456789123456789 is a float literal, as is any numerical literal in the form x.y. You need to add the d suffix to make it a double: 1.123456789123456789d
It would be nice if there were a compiler warning to tell you that your literal will lose precision because it's not specified as a double (or that the literal has too much precision even for a double), but there is none.
- The casts "as Double" and "as Float" do nothing to affect the value / type of the casted values at runtime. The only serve to override the compile-time type checker's determination of casted values' types (just like TypeScript). I would avoid casts as much as possible, as they defeat the purpose of type checking and arguably give the dev a false sense of security. (e.g. it's possible to "cast away" a type error a compile-time, which could lead to a crash at runtime)
- If you use Float/Double.toString() (or just concatenate a string with float or double, which has the same effect), you will get a default conversion with limited precision (6 decimal places). For additional precision, you need to use Float/Double.format()
Test code:
var doubleVal = 1.123456789123456789d;
var floatVal = 1.123456789123456789;
// doubleVal.toString() is implicitly called due to concatenation with a string
System.println("doubleVal (toString) = " + doubleVal);
// floatVal.toString() is implicitly called due to concatenation with a string System.println("floatVal (toString) = " + floatVal);
System.println("doubleVal.format(\"%.20f\") = " + doubleVal.format("%.20f"));
System.println("floatVal.format(\"%.20f\") = " + floatVal.format("%.20f"));
// determine runtime types:
System.println("doubleVal instanceof Double: " + (doubleVal instanceof Double));
System.println("doubleVal instanceof Float: " + (doubleVal instanceof Float));
System.println("floatVal instanceof Double: " + (floatVal instanceof Double));
System.println("floatVal instanceof Float: " + (floatVal instanceof Float));
doubleVal (toString) = 1.123457
floatVal (toString) = 1.123457
doubleVal.format(\"%.20f\") = 1.12345678912345681155
floatVal.format(\"%.20f\") = 1.12345683574676513672
doubleVal instanceof Double: truedoubleVal instanceof Float: false
floatVal instanceof Double: false
floatVal instanceof Float: true
"Declaring Variables"
the "as Double" and "as Float" is only for the Type Checker.