What do you do when you have 2 (or more) apps with a significant common code/resource base and you want to have them in 1 git repo and be able to develop with VSC?
I already have one project like that, but it has some issues, and I'd like to start another one. So the basic directories are something like:
the common stuff probably in the root or a common/ directory:
And for the 2 apps: FooApp, FooDF in their own directories, their respective manifest, jungle file and resources, sources which are not common:
- resources
- source
- manifest.xml
- jungle.monkey
jungle.monkey looks something like:
project.manifest = manifest.xml
base.sourcePath = source;../source
base.resourcePath = ../resources;resources
but then we have to add some more lines even for those mappings that we usually "get for free", i.e: translations: resources-eng, display-size, device specific resources that we have to add to the jungle file (which is ok, I can generate it with a script)
But then how do I open the projects in VSC? If I open the git repo's root, then how can I run either FooApp or FooDF?
The only workaround I found so far is to open FooApp/ in VSC and run it from there, but then there are some things that don't work well, because of some confusion with the common files, i.e: ../source/Common.mc