Why does my watch faces delete from GARMIN/APP ?


I need a little help please I'm completely new to development

I wanted to make a custom display for my watch, I simply want it to display a number that multiplies by 1.0005 every seconde

I think I succeeded in doing what I want, the code works on the PC, it launches without problem I also think I succeeded in compiling it, I had a BUILD COMPLETED and I have a .prg file

The problem is that when I connect my watch via USB and place the file on it, it does not appear on my watch and the next time I connect the USB, the file is automatically deleted.

Would you know how to find the problem please?

  • It doesn't compile when I use with SDK 6.4.2
    I can only compile with the latest SDK

  • I have a key that I had already generated and which is in my directory
    This is the key that is properly configured in the Monkey C Developer Key Path
    and this is the key I use when I compile
    Is there anything else to do?

  • When you do the "Build for device". you are building the prg for the device you want to run it on?

    It's strange that you can't build for 6.4.2 but can for 7.3.1.  What errors do you see?

  • It's strange that you can't build for 6.4.2 but can for 7.3.1.  What errors do you see?

    It's probably due to the new return type for AppBase.getInitialView(). It uses new syntax (for tuples) which didn't exist in earlier SDKs.

    I assume OP's project has a line like this in the app class (which would be generated when a new project is created with a newer SDK):

    function getInitialView() as [Views] or [Views, InputDelegates] {

    On 6.4.2, this will produce the following error:

    no viable alternative at input 'as['

    In order to get that line to build on both new and old SDKs, with type checking enabled, I would change it to this:

    function getInitialView() {

    (I actually found that the typecheck(false) annotation isn't necessary, but it wouldn't hurt.)

  • That's exactly what I had but I changed my SDK again to verity your solution. It works without having to change anything, I don't really understand, I'll keep looking