Hi, Since a few months, I have some problem with my users with AOD. Some user are reporting a flicking screen when coming in AOD or low power modeI
I don't understand the logic with onEnterSleep, onDisplayMode, burnIn protection, AOD and LowPower
I just have built a little watchface on my Epix2, and when I click on "Display Mode" ---> always On (on the simulator), it seem to be OK, but the system doesn't detect burnin. I have some pixel which are alway on, and event on my Epix, it's always displayed. No burn In detection.
Also, on my Epix, sometime, the screen is refreshed each second, and I am still in "enter sleep" mode, I can't explain why. Then this could explain the flicking screen of my users.
And the function onDisplayModeChanged() is never called ???? Perhaps normal in AOD mode ??
Here's my little code :
function onUpdate(dc as Dc) as Void { View.findDrawableById("Label15").setText(System.getClockTime().sec.format("%02d")); View.findDrawableById("Label50").setText(st1); View.findDrawableById("Label75").setText(st2); View.onUpdate(dc); } function onEnterSleep() { st1 = "Enter sleep"; WatchUi.requestUpdate(); } function onExitSleep() { st1 = "Exit sleep"; WatchUi.requestUpdate(); } function onDisplayModeChanged() { var displayMode = System.getDisplayMode(); st2 = "Display="+displayMode; WatchUi.requestUpdate(); }
Thanks a lot for your help