Monkey Barrels minimum API Level?

In the Developer Lifecycles table on the Overview page of Core topics, it says that Libraries (Monkey Barrels) have a minimum API Level of 1.0.0.

But when I export my project that has a min API Level of 1.3.0 I get warnings like this for several devices:

> WARNING: Device name: 'fēnix® 3 / tactix® Bravo / quatix® 3' Part number: '006-B2293-00' CIQ ver: '1.3.1' is being ignored by the package tool because Monkey Barrel dependencies were > detected for this device during Jungle file processing but barrels are not supported for the minimum API Level

So it seems that the minimum API Level for barrels is actually 1.4.0?
! would appreciate if someone could confirm this or offer other insights into these error messages.