What happens if new view will be pushed to app running but not visible?

Hello guys!

I'm trying to implement application that shows notifications. Backgroud side is okay, I use temporal events & requestApplicationWake there as a notification. But the problem is a use case where application has been left running by just returning to watch face. I think that won't work then. Therefore I'm trying to use "onStorageChanged" there. "ServiceDelegate" stores just a dummy value to storage, and then I'll push a new view in "onStorageChanged". That works if the app is on foreground, but what happens when a new view will be pushed to application that is not visible currently? Will it pop up the app to foreground? I do not figure out how to test this in simulator..


  • Okay, I tested this scenario in watch itself. Obviously "requestApplicationWake" works even if application is running but not visible. And if the application is on foreground then "onStorageChanged" could be used to notify user.