I'm seeing a very odd behaviour where makeWebRequest (content type audio) fails on mp3s from patreon, but only on the device, not in simultator. And to make matters worse I just get error code 0 (as I seem to get for all web errors on the device).
I don't think it's a https issue, as the download request for the album art which is done just before this succeeds, and that's the same server.
My request options looks like this:
var options = { :method => Communications.HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD_GET, :responseType => Communications.HTTP_RESPONSE_CONTENT_TYPE_AUDIO, :headers => { "Content-Type" => Communications.REQUEST_CONTENT_TYPE_URL_ENCODED, }, :mediaEncoding => Utils.mimeToEncoding(episode[Episode.MIME_TYPE]), :fileDownloadProgressCallback => method(:onDownloadProgress) };
I've verify that the media encoding is correct (MP3), and if I log the download url, it's still valid when I look at it on the computer afterwards.
This could be that the file name containts a ";". Have filed as a bug report to garmin instead.