Custom Font not Displaying

I have previously generated and used a custom font on my Watchface ("Concise"). I am now trying to generate a Data Field also with a custom font for a Speedometer. I cannot seem to get the font to display. I am getting no errors but also no text on either the simulator or the actual device. I am using the same font that works for Concise. I even tried creating a new Watch Face and copying the entire code over from Concise and it still does not work! Clearly something has changed that I am missing but the documentation is old and still refers to a Resources.xml instead of a fonts.xml file.

Here is the contents of my fonts.xml file...
<font id="SpeedoFont" filename="Rationale_Modified.fnt" filter="0123456789" />

The "Rationale_Modified.fnt" file is in the /resources/fonts/ folder of the project. As is the font.xml. The font file is a good file as it works for my Concise Watch Face.

Here is the entire code of my test Data Field which I had expect would display "88" is Rationale Modified font...
using Toybox.WatchUi as Ui;
using Toybox.Graphics as Gfx;

class CustFontView extends Ui.DataField {

function initialize() {

function onLayout(dc) {

function compute(info) {

function onUpdate(dc) {
var SFont = Ui.loadResource(Rez.Fonts.SpeedoFont);
dc.drawText( 2, 2, SFont , "88", Gfx.TEXT_JUSTIFY_CENTER );

What am I missing?
  • I'm not sure what is wrong with your project, but I can see a few things that you should consider doing. I've written a sample that uses a custom font and it works as expected...

    using Toybox.Application as App;
    using Toybox.Graphics as Gfx;
    using Toybox.WatchUi as Ui;

    class TestView extends Ui.DataField
    hidden var _count;
    hidden var _font;

    function initialize() {
    _count = 0;

    function onLayout(dc) {
    // just load the font once
    _font = Ui.loadResource(Rez.Fonts.SpeedoFont);

    function onUpdate(dc) {

    // display the text centered so it appears on a round watch face
    var cx = dc.getWidth() / 2;
    var cy = dc.getHeight() / 2;

    // be sure to clear the data field background so we don't end up with rendering artifacts
    var background = getBackgroundColor();
    dc.setColor(~background & 0xFFFFFF, background);

    dc.setColor(Gfx.COLOR_RED, Gfx.COLOR_TRANSPARENT);
    dc.drawText(cx, cy, _font, _count.toString(), Gfx.TEXT_JUSTIFY_CENTER);

    // update the displayed value to expose rendering artifacts
    _count = (_count + 1) % 100;

    class TestApp extends App.AppBase {

    function initialize() {

    function getInitialView() {
    return [ new TestView() ];

    I'm using a single resource file, and it looks like this...


    <bitmap id="LauncherIcon" filename="images/launcher_icon.png" />

    <string id="AppName">Test</string>

    <bitmaps />

    <font id="SpeedoFont" filename="fonts/blackdiamond.fnt" filter="0123456789" />

  • I've written a sample that uses a custom font and it works as expected...

    Thanks Travis. I started a new project with the same name as yours ("Test") and copied your exact code into it. I noticed that you seem to have just a file (judging by the fact all the code is in one chain) where as my system made a and so I copied the code appropriately. My older project ("Concise") was also constructed this way at the time as this was how the SDK worked. I also created a resources.xml file in the resources folder and copied your xml into (with a modification for the font name). When I ran it, I had the same issue I have been encountering - no data shown. Changing to a built in font and your code works perfectly.

    Therefore it appears to be to be a configuration type issue. I have the latest SDK (2.1.3) and Eclipse Lune SR2 (4.4.2). I created my Project as a Data Field with minimum SDK of 2.1.x (I later changed this to 1.2.x with no improvement) targeting an "EDGE 820 / Explore" only. Can you please let me know what versions you are working with and what project properties you chose?
  • I have the latest SDK (2.1.3)


    Eclipse Lune SR2 (4.4.2)

    Luna 4.4.0

    I created my Project as a Data Field with minimum SDK of 2.1.x

    I've tested with both.

    targeting an "EDGE 820 / Explore" only.

    I've ran the simulator with various different devices, including the edge_820 profile. All of them work just fine.
  • I've uploaded a zip of my test project folder here if you'd like to try it.

  • Thanks Travis - Problem solved! My .png file had become corrupt. Recreated font and hey presto mine works too. Should have seen that didn't. Thanks so much for your help!!!