Weather Data

What appeared to be a LONG delay in retrieving weather data turned out to be my error checking. I would reject weather data as bad if any of the key data elements were null. Just a simple sanity check. I've never seen this occur before. What is happening now is sometimes WindSpeed and WindBearing are null, but the other data elements are populated. So I just had to handle that condition. Might just be my local weather station changed something that causes it to return null data at times for some elements.

  • I have seen this a number of times with feelsLikeTemperatue.  For things like that I'll display something like "--".

    If you look at the API doc, anything in currentConditions can be "or Null".  And that may just be due to where the data is coming from.  For me, it's the local airport, and could be it's not reporting something. Maybe a problem with their weather station....

    Always null check and display what I can is what I do.