I got this error in ERA:
Error Name: Unhandled Exception Occurrences: 1 First Occurrence: 2024-07-25 Last Occurrence: 2024-07-25 Devices: GPSMAP® 67 / 67i: 8.50 App Versions: 1.2 Languages: eng Backtrace: UnitConverterDFSettingsMenuDelegate.onSelect:37
This is my Menu2InputDelegate. According to the documentation AppBase.getSettingsView is since api 3.2.0 and is supported by GPSMAP67.
The line in onSelect:37 is this:
- (Lang.UnexpectedTypeException) —
Thrown when view is type MapView and the visible map area parameters are invalid
- (Lang.OperationNotAllowedException) —
Thrown if called from background, data field, glance, or watch face app; or if the new view is a DataField, a GlanceView, or a WatchFace
I don't have MapView in my app, so it's not the 1st one I guess, and my "app" is indeed a DataField (where it works in numerous devices, so IMHO the 1st part of the sentence is wrong), but I call this from the settings view (which extends Rez.Menus.SettingsMainMenu). And again it works on devices I have access to.