Font Vertical Placement

The EDGE x40 and x50 devices changed the rendering for vertical font placement (VCENTER). I'm not sure if any other EDGE or WATCH device have done this. I don't think so. If you know of any, let me know.

So if your UI needs precise vertical placement of strings to appear correct, you'll need to adjust for this change.

This is a pain, given the permutations, this is the only way I've found to handle this... using monkey.jungle to exclude the 1040/1050, set a skew variable and use a descender detection function:

  • for strings with descenders, using non-numeric fonts, on all devices except the x40/x50, adjust UP by 1/2 of dc.getFontDescent()
  • for string without descenders, using non-numeric fonts, on the x40/x50, adjust DOWN by 1/2 of dc.getFontDescent()