Has something changed in a recent CIQ regarding passing custom complications to watch faces?

The following code in my app

	var comp = {
		:value => value,
		:shortLabel => "TESLA",
		:longLabel => "TESLA-LINK",
		:units => "%",
	try {
		Complications.updateComplication(0, comp);
	catch (e) {
		/*DEBUG*/ logMessage("Error sending Complication!");

Used to sent a custom complication to my watch face and received by this following watch face code snippet

    function onComplicationUpdated(complicationId) {
		var complication = Complications.getComplication(complicationId);
		var complicationType = complication.getType();
		var complicationShortLabel = complication.shortLabel;
		var complicationValue = complication.value;

		/*DEBUG*/ var complicationLongLabel = complication.longLabel; logMessage("Type: " + complicationType + " short label: " + complicationShortLabel + " long label: " + complicationLongLabel + " Value:" + complicationValue);

		if (gTeslaComplication == true && complicationType == Complications.COMPLICATION_TYPE_INVALID && complicationShortLabel != null && complicationShortLabel.equals("TESLA")) {

Debug code shows that the complications are being sent (ie, doesn't assert) but they're not received by the watch face. The watch face is receiving the built-in Complications, just not my custom one. It was working before I compiled with CIQ 7.x. I think it was 4.2.4 (yeah, old, I know).