Comm example with simulator and android studio; lack of success


as a precursor to using the communication package to talk to a mobile handset I am just trying the comm example.

I had expected to so messages exchanged but I am seeing a few issues.

Comm example is running in the GArmin simulator; adb is connected.
Android comm app says Simulator connected.

I have two scenarios....

1) I send a string from the mobile app; on doing this watch simulator says "ADB disconnected" and mobile app flags up "Not connected". I seem to be able to start the adb connection again via the watch simulator though. Never see a string displayed.

2) I go through watch menus to send a string; to all intents and purposes the GArmin watch app seems to have sent the message and keeps running.
I see no sign of message reception in the Android mobile app; setting  breakpoint on what I think is the activity callback does not result in a break.

If I do the same, but chose not TEATHERED; but run the watch app on a watch. I can set breakpoints in the Android app.

Any ideas?