Is it now possible to get gyroscope data ?


I have searched a lot about getting the gyroscope data but it is still unclear whether it is possible or not, and if yes I don't know how (doing my first app).
I don't understand the documentation here

I need (for a school project) an app that track (and registers) the movement of the arm, my idea is to get raw accelerometer and gyroscope data from the watch to then process them to get a trajectory. I modified the AccelMag app from the sample to get the accelerometer data (system.print(Ax) writes it to a text file which works well for me), I tried to add the gyroscope data by imitating the existing code :

 if (info has :accel && info.accel != null
 && info has :gyroscope && info.gyroscope != null) { // I added these ones
 _accel = info.accel as Array<Float>;
 _gyro = info.gyroscope as Array<Float>; // *

 var xAccel = _accel[0];
 var yAccel = _accel[1] * -1; // Cardinal Y direction is opposite the screen coordinates
 var zAccel = _accel[2];

 var xGyro = _gyro[0]; // *
 var yGyro = _gyro[1]; // *
 var zGyro = _gyro[2]; // *

It builds correctly and runs on the watch, but the acceleration is always "null" on screen, meaning that my if statement is never verified. I assume that it can't read the gyroscope data, but why ?

I read in the Sensor docs that sensors need to be activated with something like Sensor.setEnabledSensors([Sensor.SENSOR_HEARTRATE]); ( but I don't see anything like that in the sample.
