Any leads to improve battery consumption


Sorry if that message is familiar, but I tried to apply many tips found on the forum... but so far I'm not able to reach any improvements.

It's an open source application I'm contributing to that have a battery life around 12 hours when running.

The app is collecting 25 measure of accelometers per seconds.

Every 5 sec, the 3D data are sent to a phone by web request.

Then another request check the result calculated by the phone and store them on the watch app.

In the end, we have a simple view refreshed every seconds that sho the time, HR battery and a small status text.

we have 3 timers making sure 3 functions are executed every sec (one to manage layout update, one for web request timeout management and the last one I'm not so sure what it does yet)

What I tried already:

- to store resources values in my class to not retreive them again and again from load resource: No effect

- To update the view only when needed, most likely every minute most of the time: no effect

- to load the handler that capture data from sensor in on_layout and not to create it in onShow and kill it in onHide: No effect

- to reduce the amount of data transfered from 4000 char to 1600: around 15-20% gain on battery

- remove Position from manifest: No impact

- To set sensor to null: No effect

I'm a bit out of ideas.

What would be your suggestion ?



PS: the source are available here in case you want to see what I'm talking about: