BLE: SDK v6.4.2 does not find a device which is found with v6.4.1 - need help

My IQ app to connect a certain bicycle device ("Forumslader"), code based on the NordicThingyCollector example, worked fine, so far, up to SDK version 6.4.1.
With the current 6.4.2, and with beta 7.0.2, it doesn't work any more.

Debugging shows, that with v6.4.2 onScanResults is never called, after the profile of the device is registered. While with v6.4.1 the advertising target device is found.

Anyone here who can help, or point me on the right debugging path?

With @jim_m_58 's BLEscan app the target device is found by name only, not by UUID. Connect is possible with BLEscan.

  • Thanks for your support. Currently there is no reason for me to upgrade the app in IQ store from 6.4.1 -> 6.4.2. So, i will wait until 7.x is official. But good to know that the app still works with 7.x, with minor changes due to some changes in the API.

    To me this looks like there is a BLE related bug in the simulator from 6.4.2 upwards. Preventing pairing a device when it's scan record contains the device name only, but no UUID. Could you try to verify this with your BLEscan app in the SIM?

  • I filed a bug report on this for simulator v6.4.2 upwards.

  • Hi Cyberman54,

    Is this only a problem with the simulator? Does your app work fine with sdk 6.4.2?

    I am on 6.4.3 trying to connect to a device. Blescan shows name as well but no uuids.

    For me onscanresult is called, but onconnectedstatechanged is not.

    Maybe it might be worth for me to try with sdk 6.4.1?

  • 6.4.3? I don't see such SDK in the SDK manager.

  • With many devices and blescan, you won't see the UUID (or with any CIQ BLE app). Same with a name while scanning.

    The 6.4.2 SDK works fine for me with all my BLE apps.  Shave you checked that the BLE config in the sim is correct and wasn't lost?

    I have seen a few cases where the sim and ble gets into an odd state with a number of SDKs, and what I do is close the sim, disconnect the nordic dongle or DK, reconnect it, and re-run the app. And again check the sim's BLE config.

  • I don't have the simulator. I wanted to know, if the issue which Cyberman54 is seeing (onscanresult not being called with 6.4.2), is something that he has observed only on the simulator, or also in the watch.

  • i have rebuilt with 6.4.1 and now onConnectedStateChanged is called!

    thanks so much cyberman54 for mentioning this bug!

  • This problem shows up only in simulator 6.4.2 and 7.0.2 (so far) but NOT on a real device.

  • Ok, then I got it wrong, sorry you wrote "It also doesn't work when run compiled app on Edge 1030+ with v6.79 & CIQ 3.3.6."

    The thing is that I have built with 6.4.1 and I've seen for the very first time onConnectedStsteChanged being called. 

    But might be some other thing, it does not work systematically. I see in my log that the callbacks for app onstart and onstop are being called 3 times, even though I open the app only once. It is after the third onstart that the connection is stablished.

    I'll keep on investigating