I was hoping the brains trust could educate me a little on GPS usage on Fenix 6's in particular.
I recently added a feature to my app that allows users to record GPS location to a FIT file when Activity Recording is enabled.
I'm getting reports from some users, Fenix 6 users in particular, that there is high battery consumption even when Activity Recording is disabled and Position.enableLocationEvents(Position.LOCATION_DISABLE, null) is set.
I've been working with one user in particular who has trialled the app with Activity Recording turned on and off. Battery consumption is around 10-12% per hour regardless. He did send me a video showing that the app paused it's startup and waited for GPS to be acquired even though GPS should be disabled in the app settings. This would suggest that it's looking for GPS based on the Manifest settings.
I've given this user a test version which has Positioning Disabled in the Manifest and the two lines that enable and disable Position.enableLocationEvents commented out. Battery consumption has near enough halved.
Obviously, this is a very subjective test, but could it be that GPS is active if Positioning is enabled in the Manifest regardless of the state of Position.enableLocationEvents. (I did confirm that the callback only runs when enableLocationEvents is set to Position.LOCATION_CONTINUOUS).
Appreciate your thoughts and comments.
Is this a bug or expected behaviour ?