Serious iisue with new Store Website


There is a serious issue with the new Store Website which truncates the Description to only a few lines (with ...) and there is no obvious way to expand the Text.

This means any information later in the Text can not be seen.

Please can you resolve? I've also sent an email to the Connect IQ Team to flag.

  • very odd, I succeded to upload 3 apps (> 8MB) but everytime I try to do it with the 12 MB, it failed. So I think it is a mix of everything, when/size etc I guess I have to be patient

  • in order to test your idea, could you please tell me at what time (utc) you did it?

  • There may be yet another variable - speed.

    I used to get errors on large iq file uploads at times, but then I switched ISPs, and got much faster speeds in general.  Speedtest right now is showing 500mbs for downloads and 125mbs for uploads.

    It could be with the new store, something similar to a "timeout" is happening, but it reacts in a different way than it did in the past, and maybe that "timeout" has changed.

    I have uploaded iq files in the 14mb range since the new store, but off hours in Kansas.  I'm at utc-7..

  • Many thanks! That was the issue on my side! I have a very low speed at home, you I tried through my mobile and worked at the first attemp!

  • I suspect that Garmin does most of it's testing using the in-house network or from another Garmin facility with a high speed connection, and not using speeds seen by folks at home.

  • Since this is clearly a world-wide ecosystem it would be wise to add a new item to their QA (I mean if they even have that thing for the website) to test it using some very slow (not in terms of USA, but India or China) connection. There are tools that can be used as a proxy to do that, they don't need a physical line for that.

  • No good suggestions for fixing stuff (commonly referred to as "complaining" here)

    Raised hands reasons problems will never be fixed (bingo card which consists of "it's always been this way", "nobody has ever complained about this so it's obviously not a problem", "everyone has complained about this for years, so it obviously won't be fixed", "this doesn't affect me", "I don't care about this problem", "I can't recreate this bug so it isn't real", "I have special insight into why this is happening because I worked at a large company and/or I personally know Garmin folks", "you must be new here / I have been here since the beginning", etc.)

  • As of Feb 27 10:00UTC this problem is not fixed yet.

  • Do you mean Feb 27 10:00:00.000UTC :) I think patience will help a little bit. Wait 15 seconds to load the stats, then wait 15 months for Garmin to improve it. All in all this is an 8 year old thread...