I've got my first watch widget ready to test but I can't start the simulator when debugging from Visual Studio Code.
It actually did work when I first setup my environment then next day stopped working
I know the exact the issue, after digging through tons of forums
The simulator is starting and listening on the wrong port (42877) as 1234 is taken by System. I've checked lots of suggestion and most relate to hyper-v and whether enabled or not netstat tells me system is listening
- Disabling various Zonelarm settings
- Hyper v on/off
Useful power shell commands for next guy stuck here
netstat -ano | Select-String "<SIM PID>"
netstat -aon | findstr ":1234" | findstr "LISTENING"
There must be a simple way to change the simulator to listen on a different port and then connect when debugging to it with that port. 1234 can't be hard coded?
Suggestions on how to get this running on a different port would be appreciated as I can't get 1234 free no matter what I try, gotta be a ini file of config for this?