How do I include the Training Readiness value in my own watch face?

The SDK API already includes a lot of data fields to use in my own watch face. On my own watch I heavily use the Body Battery and Recovery Time fields but I really would like to have the Training Readiness visible on my watch face. How can I include this data in my own watch face, which code do I need to use for that? 

In case its not available are there plans to include it in the connect IQ SDK? (when)

Regards GerardV

  • I don't think it's possible at the moment. My hunch is that it will be added to the SDK eventually but no idea when. Hope it's soon though, as I'm quite keen to make use of the training readiness metric and being able to see it at a glance will make it much more likely that I'll do that than having to constantly check it on my phone.

  • On watches that support complications, there is one for training status (COMPLICATION_TYPE_TRAINING_STATUS) but not one for training readiness.

    On some watches there are glances for both so easy to get to from a watchface

  • I'm sure Garmin has a reason to make those items complications, but some of them don't make sense to me. E.g. how often does VO2 max change? Heartbeat changes often, that makes sense.

  • E.g. how often does VO2 max change?

    I agree but I think having VO2 Max as an option on native watchfaces is Garmin marketing thing, to help cement the status of Garmin watches as a “real training tool” for weekend warriors, as opposed to Apple Watch, which they deride as a shiny toy. (As a dedicated hobby jogger, I can’t judge too much.)

    I think some watch models even have VO2 Max as a default metric on native watchfaces.

    Anyway, given that VO2 Max is available on native watchfaces, may as well make it available as a CIQ complication.

  • I was only thinking of the update frequency, I forgot about the ability to long press on touchscreen watches to view the glance. Makes sense for that kind of ability.

  • Yeah I wanted to mention that too — good point. I do think it’s kind of a dumb thing to display as a metric on a watchface unless you’re trying to show off. It’s like the ppl who admit they got an apple watch ultra for social status