Bitmap Transformation

Same again. 6.2.0 introduces new features, but no examples. Everyone has to reinvent the wheel (except senior SW architects around, but I can imagine, also they have difficulties in case of Bitmap Tranformation feature). Bitmap Tranformation seems to be very interesting. Scalable Fonts are only avalable on some devices, so not interesting (only in some years if majority of devices in the field are supporting).

  • Check the 'debug console' tab if you're using VS Code for more info. Which watch are you coding for?

    You also probably want to have a more accurate angle for the hour, e.g.

    // each hour is 30° + 0.5° per minute
    var angle = (dateInfo.hour * 30 + dateInfo.min * 0.5 + 270) * _toRads;
    var angle = ((dateInfo.hour + dateInfo.min / 60.0) * 30 + 270) * _toRads;
    where toRads = Math.PI / 180
    And for the transform you probably need to do a translate as well to position it correctly.

  • So, for starters I figured out why the app crashed in the first place: there was an issue with the color palette of my png file. Adding


    in my drawables.xml solved this problem. Stupid mistake.

    Thank you for your support. Yes, accurate angles are the way to go for sure. But first I need to figure the basic stuff out.

    At the moment I'm struggling to get my image to show up at all. I just found out that it's there, but rotated out of sight. A quick research (*coughcopilotcough*) pointed out, that the image doesn't get rotated around it's own center point by default, but rather around the, uhm ... "origin" [0,0]

    So I had to move the image to the "origin" first, rotate it and then move it back in this designated place.

    // move graphic to origin
            transform.translate(-dialBitmap.getWidth() / 2, -dialBitmap.getHeight() / 2);

            // rotate

            // move graphic to designated place
            transform.translate(dialBitmap.getWidth() / 2, dialBitmap.getHeight() / 2);

    In the end it's still not in the place where I'd expect it to be. *scratches head*

  • You shouldn't need to translate twice.

    //mTransform.scale(0.8, 0.8);
    mTransform.rotate(Math.toRadians(time.sec * 6).toFloat());
    mTransform.translate(-19.0, -185.0);

    my image is the following hand:

  • The double translation is supposed to be necessary. At least that's what I found on the web. To rotate the image around it's own center (that's what I'm trying to do) I need to move it to the origin point, then rotate it and then move it back where it is supposed to be. Btw: ftrimboli doesn something like that in his code on page 2, too.

    At the moment it neither get's drawn in the right place (but somewhere off-screen), nor is the rotation correct, as far as I can see, when I manage to put it somewhat in place manually by putting in weird x and y values in the drawbitmap2.

  • This works for me. It rotates around it's center. The code that Travis posted has an image slightly off center (which can easily be changed to be centered) and does it with one rotate + translate iirc. The order seems backwards, like Travis said. You don't actually need the initialize and this example is unoptimized.

    The screen and image is 416x416. You'll see it's a pixel off on some positions, but I think that's just a quirk with Garmin and drawLine() or the image I'm using.

    And this is also an interesting video for anyone who wants to better understand how these transforms work. Affine transformations in 5 minutes - YouTube

  • This is just super ... weird. Your code works perfectly. That's almost exactly what I wanted to do.

    It bugs me like crazy that I couldn't figure it out, but I'll keep learning and practicing. Slight smile

    Thank you for your patience and support. And the video, of course.

  • rotation is still supported only for these few (Epix (gen 2), fēnix 7 Series, Forerunner 255 Series, Forerunner 265 Series, Forerunner 955, Forerunner 965, MARQ (Gen 2) Series, Venu® 2 Series, Venu 2 Plus, Venu Sq 2 Series) devices?

  • It needs strong CPU or hardware support, I wouldn't expect any old device that currently doesn't support it to be added

  • It's also supported on many newer devices, like the venu3 and f8, but maybe not on the va5.  Most devices with CIQ 4,2,1 or greater,  It will never be available on older devices

  • Nor do I expect it to be supported by older devices, I just want to know if the list has expanded since they announced it as new with SDK 6.x. I can't find the current list anywhere and I copied the listed models from this older website in the documentation here there is no mention of supported models, or I don't see it?