Simulator bugs. Crossover broken and more

Instinct Crossover simulator is broken - says "Error. Index out of bounds" when chosen. Target API level is empty.

A bunch of watches do not have current API levels in the simulator. For example, Instinct 2 is still on 3.2, but my real device is 3.4. Same is true for Fenix 6, FR55, and more.

Garmin, what is happening?

  • There's a few ways.  You can look at the compiler.jso for a given device, you can look at but that may get dated quickly, or what I did, is I have a test app that does things like API level, fonts and their sizes, etc.  About 12 pages worth of things overall.

    Also note, that you only run ww devices in the sim and can't run the APAC version.  The f7 for example has CIQ 4.2 while the APAC version has 4.1

  • Actually it's not necessarily a bad thing. At least for what I do. I am more concerned about the minimum CIQ api level that a certain device can have than with the maximum, because I am generating code/excludeAnnotations based on that to minimize code size (instead of using has and having both the code for the old and the new devices each device gets only either the old or the new code)

    But I agree that whatever the decision is, it has to be documented and consistent.