LauncherIcon disappeared on Instinct2 Solar after update to 11.18

I've recently updated my instinct 2 to the newest version of the FW and since then the launcher icon of my own App does not appear anymore. (

`resources-instinct2/drawables` has a drawables.xml with this content

<bitmap id="LauncherIcon" filename="launcher_icon.png" />

and a launcher_icon.png file.


<iq:application id="bb722931-aa79-493b-a350-2fcc6f00ac75" type="watch-app" name="@Strings.AppName" entry="NapTillRestedApp" launcherIcon="@Drawables.LauncherIcon" minApiLevel="3.0.0">

Compiler does not complain, and I cannot work out what is wrong.

I'm pretty sure it worked before the FW upgrade, but no other apps have an issue.