Major Issues with Custom Fonts after latest Device FW-Updates

Hi, the last weeks I had increasing numbers of strange reports of bugs (crashing apps) on most of my apps. It became more and more clear, that mostly it happens after latest FW updates on devices, but I was not able to locate based on log files. On simulator I have absolutely no issue.

This week I updated also my devices and had the same issue. Even on old devices like FR645M (yes, there was also a FW update !!!) after this update I've the same issue.

After many hours it seems to be, that some of the customer Fonts I set up with BMFont64 lead to the crash:

Error: System Error
Details: 'Failed invoking <symbol>'

At code customFont = Ui.loadResource(Rez.Fonts.icons);

I did not change the code, and not all of the fonts are affected. I cannot find any rule if BMFont64 setting is leading to the bug. Already tried to play with BMFont64 settings with no success.

Again it only happens based on devices with the latest FW-Update. And on simulator everything is ok.

Has anyone the same issue and maybe any idea ?

  • I ran into this yesterday, specifically with the fr645m with the 7.20 FW and one custom font.  It's one I created back in 2015 and it's worked fine up until now And pre 7.20 on this watch).  For testing, I switched to a different font and it's fine on 7.20.  I'm thinking there is something in the .fnt file that cases this, as when I created the problem font, I hand edited the fnt a great deal.

    Other custom fonts on the 645m and the 7.20 FW are working fine.  

    Something is broken in the 7.20 FW.

  • Good to hear, that I'm not alone |:

    I'm setting up all my custom fonts with BMFonts, and some are working some not, by now I found no rule. I'm using custom fonts for symbols, for 'mini fonts', for weather or moon symbols, .... and some are working, some not. I've doubts if I'm setting up all custom fonts new, I've the same issue ... hoped there is only a setting in BMFont ... or maybe the the icons I'm using are in a wrong format. But also here: same source/format for icons some fonts are working, some not ... ;(

  • There are four bad things to be considered (and may help other to find current unexplainable crashes):

    - On Simulator everything is ok

    - log-file of apps installed from store are not reliable, these log files are indicating strange things, but not the affected code (I know, it's more ore less only an indicator, but by now I allways found the line, but in these cases log file takes any line, might be 50 or more lines away !!!)

    - best way to identify the issue is to sideload, than (surprize :) ) the code lines are correctly found. BUT: even if sideloaded app is working, it might be, that crash still exists if app installed via Connect Store (!!!!!!)

    - even if the font is working with one app, the same font might lead to crash in different app

    By the way, with app i mean datafields, device apps, widgets and watchfaces.

  • As you have a bugged device you can find the bug :-)

    Usually in fnt you change only  x/z/offsets, xadvance, or something in header...

  • To be honest, I think I found at least one issue. Sometimes (not allways), if custom font is defining the 0 (ascii 48), app is crashing. Really strange Garmin, what did you do???

    I'm not yet though my apps to check if this is the only issue ... but at least this is reproducible ... have doubts if there are more issues in Garmin's new feature...

  • It's always on loadResource line or other places?

    Is it for app/widget/wf?.

  • it's only at loadResource() (if not loaded no issue)

    It is for all kind of apps ... app, widgets, watchfaces and datafields.

  • if new firmware is above 3.0 scope of resource can limit fonts.

    default scope is foreground...

    Can you see era error?

    I also use custom fonts (with zero) in all type of app and no era error.

    You can install one of my app to check if it also crash.

    Is f6p on the list of crashing?

  • It's worth to report this to Garmin Customer Support so they start to fix this ASAP. Try to add here all the devices/ fw versions 

  • Hm. The FR645 I used for testing should not really get new features, at least if we would follow Garmin's statements.

    What do you mean by era error?

    Again, the only I can see is an error:

    Error: System Error
    Details: 'Failed invoking <symbol>'

    in Logging. Code is only "customFont = Ui.loadResource(Rez.Fonts.icons);"

    In total about 10 of my apps/df/widgets/watchfaces are affected. Step by step I'm bringing back alive.

    The only thing to do is: Do not define char id=48 in custom fonts .fnt file (not allways the bug occurs, have custom fonts where I'm using without this bug). By the way, this is independent if you assign the '0' in <fonts> of resource section.

    I'm not owning a Fenix, but I've reported crashes from Fenix users (at least one F5 and some F7x), FR255, FR645, FR245 ... which are very clearly showing the same error (asked the users for log file :) )