app type of widget

I've read doc/forum and still not sure how widget will behaviour on different devices.

- app type - widget

- adding glance in APP.getGlanceView()

- building project for all devices starting  from sdk. 1.2

- uploading app into store

- user downloads app from store

Will this app (widget) run well for all devices? Sometimes starts:

- from glance as widget (f6)

- from main view when no glance support (s62)

- glance/main 4.x (f7) - I don't have 4.x device so is 2 places where user can see/run apps?

- what about old 1.x devices?

Should I build corresponding watch app?

  • I have "widget" projects with a min API level of 1.2 for CIQ 1 and it works on those and with everything newer.

    And it has getGlanceView() in the basic app that is used on devices with glances and ignored on other devices.

    You can use isGlanceModeEnabled() to see if the main view was started from a glance or not (what input is available differs if you were started from a glance or not..

    When you build the same app with zero changes for a CIQ4 device, it's actually a super app if it's got a glanceView, and when installed on a 4.x device, it will show up in both the glance loop as well as the activity loop.  Basically, it's a device app with a glance view.