Made some progress on publishing complications!

This is with the 4.2.0 beta1 SDK, the f7 System 6 preview device, and one of my watch apps.  Here's what I see in the sim under Simulation>Complications, when I select the complication.  The app is running in the sim at this point.  The image is the icon I supplied for the complication.  53.10 is the temperature as seen by the app.  A first step!

  • Woa awesome! I'll try again with my app and see if I can get it working as well! Thanks for reporting Jim!

  • And I put togeter a very simple watch face that displays the last data from the publisher in the sim.  (Since the device app isn't running the data doesn't change.  I'll need a real device with System 6 to try that,

    The doc with 4.2.0 beta1 has some typos and other things that aren't clear....

  • The latest F7 alpha FW, version 11.15, includes CIQ 4.2.0 support.  So you can now sideload an app to test if you have a F7/Epix/Marq2.  I would consider this an early developer Christmas present since it was released on 12/15.

  • Thanks!  With the 11.5 alpha FW, I'm both publishing and consuming on a real device.  I needed to do some hacks for consuming something published by a CIQ app, and right now I don't know if the doc is wrong or the SDK is missing a couple of things.

  • Glad you got to test on a real device.

    Given that it is a beta SDK and alpha FW, I would say there is a good chance both the doc is wrong and the SDK is missing something.  Laughing

  • Hello together,

    I also started to implement some complications to my watchfaces.
    Use the 4.2.0 beta 1.
    My watch is a Fenix 7s, with the newest alpha firmware 11.15.

    On the simulator there is no Fenix 7s, but only the Fenix 7 system 6 preview. So I used this for tests.

    The watchface compiled without errors and it runs.
    "onPress" is called, but the complication is not shown in the simulator.
    I used this function "Complications.exitTo(thisComplication);"

    Then I builded a release version of the Watchface and sideloaded it to the watch. I was a bit skeptical if it could work. But... it works like a charm

    Question is, why is the complication not shown in the simulator?
    Do I have to be patient and wait for the next release of the simulator?
    Or did I miss some parameters?

  • Jim, it looks like as of today, the F6 family got an alpha build which supports SDK 3.4.0.  So you know have another device to test System 6 with.  Although you won't get complications on the F6.

  • As I'm looking at complications, a device with 3.4.x won't help, but it does look like as a of a few hours back, there's alpha FW for the venu2 with 4.2.0/system 6!

  • I loaded the Venu2 FW this afternoon.  I saw the CIQ improvements, but mised that it added System 6.

    I knew the F6 won't help with complications, but found it interesting that it already has a alpha bring it to System 6 for the features that it will get.

  • Check "about>Sw Versions" on the v2, They kind of obscure things, but it says System 6 and a bit later, API level 4.2.0

    And my test apps for publishing and consuming are working on it!