Which font to use in a DataField for the label?

What is the best practice for font and position of datafield label? I'm sure I'm not the 1st developer that tries to create a custom field and want it to look like the native. (Using SimpleDataField is not a solution, there are graphics also, just not shown on the above images) Which font should I use? Where should I position it? Or should I have a different font and position for each device? (maybe for each datafield-layout?) If the answer is to do it per device then is there a way to see a default datafield in the simulator? I'd like to be able to run my DF and see it next to some simple field, like Timer (or doesn't matter which)

I used Graphics.FONT_XTINY for the label "HRM HR" and positioned at the top of the field. This looks exactly like the native datafields in fenix 6:

Today I saw how it looks in Edge Explore 2 compared to the native fields ("HRM B-118"):

The font is too small and the label is "glued" to the top of the field (or maybe that just looks like that because of the small font)

  • ok it's not an option for you, but did you know that even if it were an option that the SimpleDataField also not always matches the look of the native data field....

    I mean at this point can any of us really claim to be shocked lol

    Not directly related but pretty funny

  • So I tried to get the fonts from the simulator.json. It's not always possible, but let's say for latin fonts it's OK-ish.

    However I have now a problem with some non-latin fonts, specifically with Hebrew: Not only I can''t find the font programmatically from the json but it seems that the real font used in native datafields labels is not even accessible from CIQ. Here are some screenshots from real fenix6 (edited into 1 image, the English font is irrelevant [it's from Gimp]):

    I'm looking for the 1st font (default). According to the simulator.json it should be xtiny (so it's not simSomething!) and when I run my app in English then xtiny looks exactly like the default label. However in Hebrew it's way too tiny, so I started to look for a bigger font, but as you see there's no font that is like the default.

    So it seems like not only the fonts in simulator are different from the real device, not only the simulator has some fonts called "sim...", but it seems that the real device also has font(s) not available to be used from CIQ apps.