Is it possible to reinitialize the configuration of FitContribution fields?


while developing a data field, which is using FIT fields I'm playing around with adding fields, removing fields, changing charts and their color.

It seems like, Garmin Connect only stores the version of the fitContributions xml once, when the app is first uploaded, but it doesn't update that on changes.

The only solution I found was to create a new ID for the App, delete the old one and create a new one.

This is OK for beta apps, but what happens if I'm finally done with my first version of the data field, release it, and after that I need to change the fields (remove one, add a new one, change it's color in the chart). Then, the data field (hopefully) has users, and I don't think it is a good idea, to simply delete it and ask the users to use the new app.

Is there a way to trigger re-initialization of the fitContributions from the last uploaded version?

Many regards,

  • I don't think it's supposed to work that way. Much like app settings, fit contributions metadata should be tied to a specific app version that was uploaded to the store. Otherwise Garmin Connect would be unable to display graphs correctly across different versions of your app, as you've pointed out.

    I would suggest opening a bug report.

  • For me it usually works when I manage to see the newly uploaded beta version in ConnectIQ (which is somewhere between 30-50% only)

    But i remember that sometimes it doesn't seem to download the settings for the new version. Then only delete and reinstall worked. Unfortunately after some changes this might even be needed after uploading a release version as well (at least i was told once to recommend that to my users)