How to correctly initialize a fit contributor object from a simpledatafield?

I have a simpledatafield which provides a value. I want this value to be logged if the simpledatafield is used during an activity with logging.

I found the Fitcontributor example in the SDK's samples and understand that i need to create a Field object.

Below is my code. It compiles, but crashes during runtime with error 

Error: System Error Details: Failed invoking <symbol>

regarding line 14.

What's wrong here?

import Toybox.FitContributor;

class ForumsladerView extends WatchUi.SimpleDataField {

        private var _fitRecording as FitContributor.Field; // fit recording contributor


        public function initialize(dataManager as DataManager) {


        // Create the custom FIT data field we want to record
        _fitRecording = createField(
            "Forumslader", 0, FitContributor.DATA_TYPE_FLOAT,
            {:mesgType=>FitContributor.MESG_TYPE_RECORD, :units=>"FL"}
        ) as FitContributor.Field;

