Big update to prettier-extension-monkeyc

I've posted about prettier-extension-monkeyc before, but I've added a bunch of new features that developers will probably like (well, I've been missing them, so maybe you have too).

The new features it implements for VSCode include:

  • Goto Definition. Point at a symbol, Ctrl/Cmd click, and it will take you to the definition. Or F12
  • Goto References. Right click on a symbol and select "Goto References". It will show you all the references. Or Shift-F12
  • Peek Definition/Peek References. Same as above, but in a popup window so you don't lose your place in the original document.
  • Rename Symbol. Right click on a local, function, class or module name, and select "Rename Symbol". It will rename all the references. It doesn't yet work for class members/methods.
  • Goto Symbol. Type Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-O and pick a symbol from the drop down (which has a hierarchical view of all symbols in the current file). This also appears as an outline across the top of the file.
  • Open Symbol By Name. Type Ctrl/Cmd-T, then start typing letters from a symbol name. A drop down will be populated with all matching symbols from anywhere in your project.

Older features include a prettier based formatter for monkeyc, and a monkeyc optimizer that will build/run/export an optimized version of your project.

[edit: My last couple of replies seem to have just disappeared, and the whole conversation seems to be in a jumbled order, so tldr: there's a new test-release at which seems to work for me on linux. I'll do more verification tomorrow, and push a proper update to the vscode store once I'm sure everything is working]

  • It looks like it's expecting new values being added to a dictionary to be the same type as other items already in the dictionary

    Yes. I'm attempting to fix a problem with Garmin's type checker, but it does introduce other issues, like this one.

    With Garmin's type checker, [0, 1, 2] has type Array, not type Array<Number>, similarly with Dictionaries, and as a result 

    mArray as Array<Number> = [1, 2, 3];
    mDict as Dictionary<Symbol, String> = { :foo => "bar" };

    are both errors (according to Garmin), because you're trying to assign untyped Arrays and Dictionaries to typed ones. So to make this work you have to write 

    mArray as Array<Number> = [1, 2, 3] as Array<Number>;
    mDict as Dictionary<Symbol, String> = { :foo => "bar" } as Dictionary<Symbol, String>;

    I don't like that for two reasons. First, you have to redundantly repeat the type; and second, you're hiding errors (because if you write mArray as Array<Number> = ["foo"] as Array<number>; Garmin's typechecker won't notice).

    So I explicitly type literal arrays and dictionaries - which can result in the issue you're noticing. To get back to Garmin's behavior you can just write:

      var cPicBufOpts = {:width=>picX, :height=>picY, :bitmapResource=>_centerPic} as Dictionary;

    or you could be more specific: Dictionary<Symbol, Object>, or you could be as precise as you want with the type.

  • Toybox.WatchUi.BitmapResource<{getWidth: Function<Toybox.WatchUi.BitmapResource.getWidth>, getHeight: Function<Toybox.WatchUi.BitmapResource.getHeight>}>

    I learned from this that  when you create a new BufferedBitmap with a bitmapResource, the bitmap will take the dimensions from the bitmapResource, so :width and :height are not only redundant but not necessary and it will compile and run without them:

    var cPicBufOpts = {:bitmapResource=>_centerPic};

    But this just makes things worse:

    WARNING> fenix7x: Argument 1 to $.Toybox.Lang.Dictionary.put expected to be :bitmapResource but got :colorDepth
    WARNING> fenix7x: Argument 2 to $.Toybox.Lang.Dictionary.put expected to be Toybox.WatchUi.BitmapResource<{getWidth: Function<Toybox.WatchUi.BitmapResource.getWidth>, getHeight: Function<Toybox.WatchUi.BitmapResource.getHeight>}> but got Number<4>
    WARNING> fenix7x: Argument 1 to $.Toybox.Lang.Dictionary.put expected to be :bitmapResource but got :palette
    WARNING> fenix7x: Argument 2 to $.Toybox.Lang.Dictionary.put expected to be Toybox.WatchUi.BitmapResource<{getWidth: Function<Toybox.WatchUi.BitmapResource.getWidth>, getHeight: Function<Toybox.WatchUi.BitmapResource.getHeight>}> but got Array<Number as Toybox.Graphics.ColorValue>

    Let me know if and how I can help.

  • So there actually is a bug here, and I've already got a fix ready for the next release (but I have a few more things to finish up first).

    In this case, rather than deducing that the keys must be symbols, it deduces they must be the symbol :bitmapResource. But other than that, this is the same issue, and again, var cPicBufOpts = {:bitmapResource=>_centerPic} as Dictionary; will fix it.

  • var cPicBufOpts = {:bitmapResource=>_centerPic} as Dictionary; will fix it.

    Unfortunately when I try that I get this:

    ERROR: fenix7x: Cannot initialize dictionary with type '$.Toybox.Lang.Dictionary'.

    Without the Dictionary type it compiles and runs, I just get the warnings from before.

  • ERROR: fenix7x: Cannot initialize dictionary with type '$.Toybox.Lang.Dictionary'.

    Oh, That looks like a garmin parser bug:

    var cPicBufOpts1 = {:bitmapResource=>_centerPic} as Dictionary; // error
    var cPicBufOpts2 = ({:bitmapResource=>_centerPic}) as Dictionary; // no problem

    I'll file a bug report.

    But there's definitely a problem I need to fix here, and I think I see a reasonable way to handle this that should keep both Garmin's type checker and mine happy (ie your existing code should be fine without the cast once I fix things).

    Meanwhile as a workaround, it turns out that Dictionary probably isn't the correct type for the cast. eg

            var options =
                    :width => 42,
                    :height => 42,
                }) as Dictionary;
            options.put(:pallette, [
            var bits = new Graphics.BufferedBitmap(options);

    This now fails to compile at the new Graphics.BufferedBitmap line, because Dictionary isn't specific enough. So, for now, as a workaround, the best cast seems to be a subset of the expected type. So something like { :width as Number }

    It actually doesn't matter what field(s) you specify, as long as you don't mis-declare something. So { :height as String } is a problem, because :height is required to be a Number, but { :foo as Dictionary } is fine, because :foo isn't included in the expected type at all.

    So I'd suggest:

    var cPicBufOpts = ({:bitmapResource=>_centerPic}) as { :width as Number };

    And again - this is just a temporary workaround until I fix my type checker to do the right thing. I was planning a release soon anyway, so unless this turns out to be harder than I expect, it should be ready in a few days.

  • While you have the hood up, I have a few warnings about unused variables that I can clearly see are being used, so I suspect variable substitution is being used and it's reporting the now orphaned variables. On the plus side it gives me some hints about how I can reduce some variables on my own.

  • I have a few warnings about unused variables that I can clearly see are being used

    You're saying that the monkeyc compiler reports unused variables, when they're clearly used in the original source? I've not seen that across all the projects I test with. In fact, if you start with a project that *does* report unused variables, and build it with my optimizer, the optimizer will just remove the unused variables, and then the monkeyc compiler doesn't get a chance to report them.

    So to get anywhere with this I'd need to see an example. Can you create and post a small test case? Or at least show a few lines of the original, and optimized source?

    One thought - try turning on the "Prettier MonkeyC: Iterate Optimizer" option. Its just possible that could fix the issue...

  • Original code:

    	private var _moonShine as oneDim?;
    		orbR = Astro.v_moonRiseR + V_faceAngle;
    		_moonShine = Astro.v_moonShine as oneDim;
    		var moonAngle = _moonShine[2] - _moonShine[1] + PI_2 + V_faceAngle as Float;
    		var moonScale = V_littleR * 0.92;
    		_moonDarkOrb = Orb.drawMoonRise(A_bigR, orbR, moonScale, moonAngle, 0.0);
    		_moonFaceOrb = Orb.drawMoonRise(A_bigR, orbR, moonScale, moonAngle, _moonShine[3] + Math.PI);
    		_moonDayOrb = Astro.v_moonRiseDay ? Orb.drawRegPoly(A_bigR, orbR, dayScale, orbR + Math.PI, 3) : null;


    	private var _moonShine as oneDim?;
    		orbR = pre_Astro.v_moonRiseR + pre_V_faceAngle;
    		pre_battStat /*>pre__moonShine<*/ =
    			pre_Astro.v_moonShine as oneDim;
    		_moonShine = pre_battStat /*>pre__moonShine<*/;
    		var moonAngle =
    			pre_battStat /*>pre__moonShine<*/[2] -
    			pre_battStat /*>pre__moonShine<*/[1] +
    			1.5707964 +
    			(pre_V_faceAngle as Float);
    		var moonScale = pre_V_littleR * 0.92;
    		_moonDarkOrb = pre_Orb.drawMoonRise(
    		_moonFaceOrb = pre_Orb.drawMoonRise(
    			pre_battStat /*>pre__moonShine<*/[pre_3] + pre_3_1415927
    		_moonDayOrb = pre_Astro.v_moonRiseDay
    			? pre_Orb.drawRegPoly(
    					orbR + pre_3_1415927,
    			: null;

    WARNING: fenix7x:  Member variable '_moonShine' is not used.

    One thing I see is that the optimized code creates a local variable for everything not local like class and global variables and constants. Does this save space, execution time or both?

  • Does this save space, execution time or both?

    When the optimizer does it, it is guaranteed to save space (basically there have to be at least two uses of a non-local for it to be worth putting it in a local). Generally, it will also make the code faster - but thats not actually guaranteed (in this case, it definitely does).

    The issue here is that you're using a non-local variable, but you always assign to it before reading it. So it really ought to be a local.

    My optimizer tries to minimize the number of reads and writes to non-locals by holding their values in locals; but currently, it always guarantees that prior to leaving a function (ie on return, or when calling another function that might read them), the non-locals have the correct values. So in this case, it manages to remove all the reads from _moonShine, but keeps the write, just in case.

    But it doesn't notice that after all the transformations, _moonShine is written, but never read, so could be removed entirely (but Garmin's compiler does notice). I guess thats something I should check for too.

  • Feature request: When substituting numbers for color values, hex codes would be easier to interpret.