Big update to prettier-extension-monkeyc

I've posted about prettier-extension-monkeyc before, but I've added a bunch of new features that developers will probably like (well, I've been missing them, so maybe you have too).

The new features it implements for VSCode include:

  • Goto Definition. Point at a symbol, Ctrl/Cmd click, and it will take you to the definition. Or F12
  • Goto References. Right click on a symbol and select "Goto References". It will show you all the references. Or Shift-F12
  • Peek Definition/Peek References. Same as above, but in a popup window so you don't lose your place in the original document.
  • Rename Symbol. Right click on a local, function, class or module name, and select "Rename Symbol". It will rename all the references. It doesn't yet work for class members/methods.
  • Goto Symbol. Type Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-O and pick a symbol from the drop down (which has a hierarchical view of all symbols in the current file). This also appears as an outline across the top of the file.
  • Open Symbol By Name. Type Ctrl/Cmd-T, then start typing letters from a symbol name. A drop down will be populated with all matching symbols from anywhere in your project.

Older features include a prettier based formatter for monkeyc, and a monkeyc optimizer that will build/run/export an optimized version of your project.

[edit: My last couple of replies seem to have just disappeared, and the whole conversation seems to be in a jumbled order, so tldr: there's a new test-release at which seems to work for me on linux. I'll do more verification tomorrow, and push a proper update to the vscode store once I'm sure everything is working]

  • Yeah, I was confused. I thought I'm checking the returned value for being null.

  • Still no.

    Original: code: 11097, data: 4141

    const ZONE_COLORS_ARR as Array<Graphics.ColorType> = [Graphics.COLOR_LT_GRAY, Graphics.COLOR_BLUE, Graphics.COLOR_GREEN,
        Graphics.COLOR_YELLOW, Graphics.COLOR_RED, Graphics.COLOR_DK_RED] as Array<Graphics.ColorType>;
    hidden function getZoneColor(backgroundColor as Graphics.ColorType) as Graphics.ColorType {
        var heartRateZone = mHeartRateZone;
        return mShowZoneColor && 1 <= heartRateZone && heartRateZone <= 6 ? ZONE_COLORS_ARR[heartRateZone - 1] : backgroundColor;
    public onUpdate(dc) {
        var zoneColor = getZoneColor(backgroundColor);
        for (var z = one; z <= 5; z++) {
            dc.setColor(ZONE_COLORS_ARR[z - 1], backgroundColor);

    6bit code: 11127, data: 4133 = c:+30, d:-8 = +22

    If I switch the order of ZONE_COLORS5 and rgb6 then: 11130, 4133 = +25

    If I remove :inline from color6: code: 11092 data: 4151 = +5

    private const ZONE_COLORS6 as Long =
        // note the trick: I skip 0 so I don't need (zone - 1) in 2 places in my code
        (rgb6(Graphics.COLOR_LT_GRAY) << 6) +
        (rgb6(Graphics.COLOR_BLUE) << 12) +
        (rgb6(Graphics.COLOR_GREEN) << 18) +
        (rgb6(Graphics.COLOR_YELLOW) << 24) +
        ((0L + rgb6(Graphics.COLOR_RED)) << 30) +
        ((0L + rgb6(Graphics.COLOR_DK_RED)) << 36);
    // (:inline)
    hidden function rgb6(color as ColorType) as Number {
        return (
            ((color & 0xC00000) >> 18) +
            ((color & 0xC000) >> 12) +
            ((color & 0xC0) >> 6)
    function color6(index as Number) as ColorType {
        // extract the 6-bit field based on the zone
        var field = (ZONE_COLORS6 >> (index * 6)).toNumber();
        // convert the 6-bit color back to 24-bits
            (field & 0x03) * 0x55 +
            (field & 0x0C) * 0x1540 +
            (field & 0x30) * 0x55000;
    function color(zone as Number) as ColorType {
        return color6(zone);
    hidden function getZoneColor(backgroundColor as Graphics.ColorType) as Graphics.ColorType {
        var heartRateZone = mHeartRateZone;
        var heartRateZoneColor = color(heartRateZone); // here I also need to have an additional local variable because of the restrictions of the optimizer: While inlining color: This function can only be inlined in statement, assignment, if or return contexts
        return mShowZoneColor && 0 < heartRateZone && heartRateZone < 7 ? heartRateZoneColor : backgroundColor;
    public onUpdate(dc) {
        var zoneColor = getZoneColor(backgroundColor);
        for (var z = one; z <= 5; z++) {
            var zoneColor = color(z);
            dc.setColor(zoneColor, backgroundColor);

    5bit code: 11135, data: 4133 = +30

    If I switch the order of ZONE_COLORS5 and rgb5 then: 11134, 4133 = +29

    If I remove :inline from color5: code: 11103 data: 4151 = +16

    private const ZONE_COLORS5 as Number =
        (rgb5(Graphics.COLOR_LT_GRAY) << 0) +
        (rgb5(Graphics.COLOR_BLUE) << 5) +
        (rgb5(Graphics.COLOR_GREEN) << 10) +
        (rgb5(Graphics.COLOR_YELLOW) << 15) +
        (rgb5(Graphics.COLOR_RED) << 20) +
        (rgb5(Graphics.COLOR_DK_RED) << 25);
    // (:inline)
    hidden function rgb5(color as ColorType) as Number {
        return (
            ((color & 0xC00000) >> 19) +
            ((color & 0x4000) >> 12) +
            ((color & 0xC0) >> 6)
    function color5(zone as Number) as ColorType {
        // extract the 5-bit field based on the zone
        var field = ZONE_COLORS5 >> (zone * 5);
        // convert the 5-bit color back to 24-bits
            (field & 0x03) * 0x55 +
            ((field & 0x04) + (~zone & 4) * 2) * 0x1540 +
            (field & 0x18) * 0xAA000;
    function color(zone as Number) as ColorType {
        return color5(zone - 1); // here I have to have -1 in 2 places in my code
    hidden function getZoneColor(backgroundColor as Graphics.ColorType) as Graphics.ColorType {
        var heartRateZone = mHeartRateZone;
        var heartRateZoneColor = color(heartRateZone); // here I also need to have an additional local variable because of the restrictions of the optimizer: While inlining color: This function can only be inlined in statement, assignment, if or return contexts
        return mShowZoneColor && 0 < heartRateZone && heartRateZone < 7 ? heartRateZoneColor : backgroundColor;
    public onUpdate(dc) {
        var zoneColor = getZoneColor(backgroundColor);
        for (var z = one; z <= 5; z++) {
            var zoneColor = color(z);
            dc.setColor(zoneColor, backgroundColor);

    And I think both rgb6 and rgb5 will be slightly better when the bugs are fixed, but probably will still not be as good as the original.

    bug1: changing the order of the array and the rgb method shouldn't matter

    bug2: it should recognize that the const is used twice in both cases (no matter the order)

    feature, not sure if possible: if color(z) could be used "in place" then 2 less local variables would be necessary 

  • Still no.

    Ok - interesting. I should go back and re-measure with my app.

    I first did this before I wrote the optimizer - so one issue was that filling the array with 5 "Graphics.Color" values took a lot of code. I remember realizing then that I could save a lot by using the actual numbers instead; but still, switching from that to the rgb6 version (hand coded of course) saved a couple of hundred bytes if I remember correctly - and overall it was about a half a k.

    But now both my optimizer and Garmin's will get rid of the Graphics.Color values for you, so I knew the win would be much smaller; but I still expected something. Maybe their optimizer is doing more about initializing "constant" arrays efficiently.

    One thing to note though is that you're not accounting for heap memory.

    I seem to remember a 5 element array uses 45 heap bytes; so when you take that into account, both versions are saving something - but nowhere near what I was expecting.

    One other thing you could try though... since you're looping over the colors, you could probably make color extraction a bit more efficient - something like:

    function colorFromField(field as Number) as Number {
        // convert the 6-bit color back to 24-bits
            (field & 0x03) * 0x55 +
            (field & 0x0C) * 0x1540 +
            (field & 0x30) * 0x55000;
    and then in your code:
        var field = ZONE_COLORS6;
        for (var i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
          var color = colorFromField(field);
          field >>= 6;

  • Well no.. It made things worst in my code. And this leads us back to an older discussion. The problem is that it's very chaotic. For example I tried now to apply your last idea (passing field instead of zone) to both the 6 and 5 bit versions. I got c:11117,d:4133. Then I realized I forgot a "-1" in one place so I added it, but then I got: c:11147,d:4151, because it made color5 not inlinable... So I had to add var z_1=z-1; and I got: c:11124,d:4133

    I'll give it another try after you release the next version (assuming that it'll take care of the 2 bugs)

    Also: can you add the code and data size that you print in the log also to build-info.json? It'll make comparsions easier, because I need to compare 5 versions (one from each "class" of devices)

  • I'll give it another try after you release the next version

    v2.0.47 is out.

    • Fixes the inline ordering issue which could prevent fully optimizing the resulting code
    • Fixes the cost of Long and Double constants, so that pre only requires 2 uses to create a local
    • Does a better job of recording the original name of variables when the variable minimizer combines multiple variables into one. In particular if a local was renamed after inlining, it should now report the original name. Still records pre_* names rather than original name/values though.
    • Fixes some other obscure issues (didn't affect any of the open source code I compile, or my projects, but I wrote some test cases that didn't work correctly after optimization).
    • Adds a Hover Provider to the language support features so you get info about the symbol under the mouse.
  • I still see differences when I switch the order of ZONE_COLORS6 and rgb6:

    one creates 4 bytes longer code.
    one keeps the constant in the generated code, the other eliminates it.

    This is not a bug, but I noticed that the one that eliminated the const has pre_2251505580672l, pre_ZONE_COLORS would make more sense.

  • I still see differences when I switch the order of ZONE_COLORS6 and rgb6

    You're right. I was sure I'd fixed that. But at least the initializer is now a literal.

    For me the code size is exactly the same; which is why I didn't notice. I guess Garmin's optimizer is getting rid of the constant anyway these days...

    I noticed that the one that eliminated the const has pre_2251505580672l, pre_ZONE_COLORS would make more sense

    Probably not going to happen... it would certainly be possible to keep track of the origin of a constant (at least, so long as there's only one), and then name the pre variables; but it would be tricky, probably unreliable, and just doesn't seem worth the effort (since there are plenty of things to do that can actually help). And if I ever figure out how to generate a binary directly, it would be moot; there wouldn't be any source code to look at.

  • There are so many versions I tried (rgb6 with 1 color(), rgb6 with color+zone2field, the same with rgb5) and not in all of them I saw the difference. This is part of the chaoticness Slight smile

    As for the direct binary: well, I don't know. Currently it still benefits here and there from what the Garmin compiler does. And even if you would be able to generate binary I guess there should be a setting to generate the source, because without that there would be no way we could report things...

  • I noticed another possibility to optimize out a local variable that is only used once:

    function onUpdate(dc) {
      var width = dc.getWidth();
      var height = dc.getHeight();
      var cond = isCond();
      var isWide = height * 2.8 < width;
      var foo = width * (isWide && cond ? FOO :BAR) / 100;
      // ... width, height, foo are used, but isWide is not used anywhere else, so it could be inlined and the local variable removed.

  • function a() {
      var zero = 0;
      var s = mSensor;
      var m = s.d.e == zero ? 1 : -1;, zero, m));

    function toV(value as Number?, nullValue as Number, multiplier as Number) as Number {
      return value == null ? nullValue : value * multiplier;
    } While inlining toV: This function can only be inlined in statement, assignment, if or return contexts

    Why this can't be inlined? I thought that these simple 1-liners do well in inlining. This looks literally like "copy&paste" :) (I know it's not that simple, but still)