Resources/Strings available languages

The SDK's examples (4.1.1) include the "Strings" sample.

The sample includes dedicated `resources` folders for different device types and languages (

If I run the app in the simulator (for Fenix 5), set the Hebrew language, I see the following:

It looks like 'heb' font is not supported.

There is a section of the docs that list supported language postfixes (

Qualifier Language Notes
No qualifier Base language These strings will be used if no language is provided. If a translation is not provided for a string in a specific language, the system will use the base language version as a substitution.
ara Arabic
bul Bulgarian
ces Czech
dan Danish
deu German
dut Dutch
eng English
est Estonian
fin Finnish
fre French
hrv Croatian
hun Hungarian
ind Indonesian
ita Italian
jpn Japanese
kor Korean
lav Latvian
lit Lithuanian
nob Norsk Bokmål
pol Polish
por Portuguese
slo Slovak
slv Slovenian
spa Spanish
swe Swedish
rus Russian
ron Romanian
tha Thai
tur Turkish
ukr Ukrainian
vie Vietnamese
zsm Standard Malay
zhs Simplified Chinese
zht Traditional Chinese

'heb' doesn't appear here...

So, my questions:

1. Is the Hebrew language supported?

2. Does simulator support that (it shows Japanese, Korean, etc.)

3. Is the table from a full list of supported languages, or should I look somewhere else?