【VSCODE extension】Failed to launch the app: Timeout

I am using the latest Garmin monkeyc vscode extension. But recently I find it cannot build my project. The prompt is just like above. Is there anyone encountering the similar problem? SDK manager is the latest as well.

  • if this is windows, open a command prompt and do

    cd %tmp%

    and look under Garmin there.

  • for the time being, use a link on the apps folder to your bin\<project>.prg:
    C:\WINDOWS\system32>mklink %temp%\GARMIN\APPS\<project>.prg "<project folder>\bin\<project>.prg"
    works like a charm!

  • Ok then first thing tried the make link and all is working now thanks @berzerker.

    Second point, i found the temp dir using Process Explorer thanks @flowState.

    I can't explain this dir but...

    The cd %temp% indicate the expected dir which is not the good one...

    Maybe my experience will help something else.!!

  • That's bizarre -- I don't know why the sim would write there.

    If you type "set" in the command prompt, do you see the Wondershare temp directory in one of the variables?

  • This is an observation and should not be taken as a recommendation!

    In the last couple weeks, I installed win 11 on my desktop.  This greatly reduced problems with starting the sim from Eclipse or VS Code.

    I needed a new laptop and now that some have win 11, I got one last week.  I see the same there - launching the sim is much more reliable. 

  • My own observations:

    - some people in this thread are using macOS
    - I had updated to Windows 11 prior to observing this problem and filing a bug report

  • I'm running win 11 pro on both systems, and also running an older version of JRE:

    java version "1.8.0_241"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_241-b07)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.241-b07, mixed mode)

    I found quite some time back that newer versions of JRE made some things run VERY slowly, and is most notable when building an iq file.  With 241, doing an export might take 5 minutes, where with the same app and a newer JRE, it takes more like 25 minutes, and this may also be involved with starting the sim - the timeout message.

  • Does anybody know where the temp folder is on Linux? Is it just /tmp?

    `echo $TMPDIR` does nothing for me

  • To answer my own question, the temp folder used on Linux is indeed /tmp. So the PRG file needs to be manually copied to /tmp/GARMIN/APPS

    I was initially confused because I couldn't find my app there - but that's because my app is an Audio Content Provider app, which gets generated at /tmp/GARMIN/APPS/MEDIA, rather than /tmp/GARMIN/APPS. I assume that applies to all OSes, not just Linux.

    TL;DR - On Linux, copy your built PRG files to /tmp/GARMIN/APPS, or /tmp/GARMIN/APPS/MEDIA if your app is an Audio Content Provider.

  • On Linux the location of the temp folder is found by

    1. The path specified by the environment variable $TMPDIR
    2. The path specified by the environment variable $TMP
    3. the /tmp folder