How to use CIQ 3.2 features on 3.2 Devices - not all features are available !!! Example :Weather

I wanted to check new CIQ 3.2 features not only theoretically on sim, but also on a real device. So I updated my FR645M to Beta 6.84 following


     if (Toybox has :Weather) { ... }

is false on device. Is there anything I missed (e.g. on SDK which is 3.2.3)?

  • I'm not sure what's going on, but I also see (Toybox has :Weather) is false on a 645m.  But other 3.2 functionality is working - like on device settings, persisting BLE scan results, and selecting GPS constellations.

    It's the same on the f5+ which also just got a 3.2.3 VM.

  • Ah, ok, strange. GPS constallations is also working here ... hm... seems to be I've to wait for updated FR645M FW.

  • hipe they will update devices list, since the FR745 is not yet 3.2.X, and probably the MK2 also.

  • Firmware of my FR645M is updated to 7.00 (which promizes full 3.2 support) now. And what should is say ... Toybox has still no :Weather. Looks like FR645M is not and will not support :(((

    I did not check but I can imagine, that also other 3.2 features are affected by Garmin approach.

  • if you look at the Weather documentation you'll see that the FR645 is not on the supported device list (and neither is my F5X+ :( ) You  might have to force refresh the page for the device list to appear.

    I have the RC for CIQ 3.2.3 on my watch , And Jim's Simple Lean 2 WF does not show weather information.

    I've been playing around with the on Device settings for DF since the first 3.2 Beta for the F5X+ , and that works.

  • Would agree, if I would not update FW of my Edge 830 (also with 3.2 support), and :Weather is working perfecty. Why Garmin decided exactly for FR645M not to support.

    SDK is allways outdated, no issue. Even on FR745 and FR245 :Weather is not running on sim, even if doc says. Latest SDK is of the opinion, that FR745 and FR245 are no 3.2 devices. 1st FW 2nd SDK seems to be the approach. This is clear to me and at least if there is one device (my test device on sim is 945) it is ok to me.

    But the point remains: FR645M is not supporting :Weather

  • I suspect it may be a bug as well as old doc, as the e530/830 isn't listed, yet they support weather.  At the time the 3.2.3 SDK came out, the 645, f5+,e530, e830 didn't support Weather.

    , any thoughts?

  • According to the timestamp at the bottom of each page of the API docs, the documentation on the website was generated on 9/21. I'm pretty sure that the edge530 and edge830 didn't support weather at that point.

    Not all devices will support weather, even if they have 3.2.x SDK support. The ConnectIQ weather module has device requirements that not all devices meet; the fr645/m appear to fall into that category.

  • Since I'm using Garmin devices (2002 Geko), there is a category "Buy follower!!!". Wicked, some months ago 645M was the flagship for runners.

    So :Weather is useless if I'm forced to continue use of old code for current devices. So I will save the space and not use :Weather