Does the API lack of basic algebra and simple analytical functions? Thanks, Kuba

I started developing some code that is going to use feedforward Neural Network. I couldn't find and module to perform simple matrix operations so I have written my class for matrix multiplication and so on. Then I needed exp(), pow() and other functions ... It's like inventing the wheel again. I am a little fed up with the developer experience. In fact there is the 'math' module but it includes two filters only.
My apologies if this question is silly but did I miss something or the API is so modest so far ?
BTW without basic math engine it would be difficult to develop fancy apps for Garmin products IMO.

  • You should find these in the Toybox.Math module, e.g.


    I see lots of functions there Slight smile

    Although no matrix stuff as normally I guess there isn't much need for it in CIQ ...

  • Hi Many thanks for the answer. Indeed, pow is implemented, but it is  actually easy to  implement by myself too.

    What I meant is that the CIQ lacks of frameworks like coreML for watchOS etc.  But I guess that Garmin hardware is not that powerful to manage huge computations anyway.

    In fact, some linear algebra lib would be useful to develop  NN but also for image operations and many others.