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Lots of unfair developers (Garmin, where are you?)

Hello guys!

I am terribly annoyed by the fact that a bunch of similar applications appeared in the app store, in which not a drop of heart and effort was invested. At the same time, the number of such applications and developers is growing rapidly.

For example:

Aside from their gaudy watch faces, what do all these developers have in common? That they use the KiezelPay payment system. For this, there is a separate group in Discord, where their curator gives advice on how to sell and what to do to increase your profit.

The developers release a large number of empty updates for their applications and winds up reviews from a large number of their devices. Obviously, all of his applications do not carry any aesthetic or unique meaning, and the developers are trying to sell it for real money. I am not satisfied with the fact that his applications are constantly shown in the list of popular ones, but we understand that this is only because they have given their applications a large number of positive reviews from their accounts. Please consider blocking these developers or limiting their stay in popular applications.

Thank you for attention! And please express your opinion. It seems to me that now a global problem is being born for the entire Garmin ecosystem, which does not pay attention to such developers and does not try to improve the app's rating and ranking system.

  • I fully agree with the author.
    In its current form, the top section should not be called "Trending Apps" but "Apps that have a lot of reviews recently, regardless of the rating in the review".

    By leaving a review, the user gives a rating.
    Why in "Trending Apps" Apps that have recently received many "1 star" ratings.

    I believe that a low rating should not increase, but decrease popularity. Why push out such apps?
  • Oups

    Just open a same discussion


  • Garmin, are you thinking that is so popular and have 301 review with 3500 downloadings? Oh yeah, and it has just 15 reviews with comments, and most of them with 1 star. 

  • I think that requiring text with a review would be a good thing.  Sometime I'll get a bad review with no text, so it's impossible to find out what the user didn't like.  It could be a bug, a misunderstanding of what the app does, etc.

  • Yes, it could be partly a solution to the problem. But the rating system is also requires of updating. Don't you get annoyed by seeing all of these application in trends, examples of which I have pointed?

  • I'm not sure what's used for trending, but I do think what's currently done could be improved.  Number of review could matter, but it seems doing like "number of new downloads over the last X days" could be more significant.

    "Most Popular" uses the most downloads since the app was updated in the store, so maybe something similar but a fixed timeframe, like "downloads in the last 5 days".

    If an app is "trending" it would have a bunch of recent downloads but not necessarily a bunch of reviews,

    I have one app with over 100K downloads but only about 70 reviews, so it will never be trending even with 100's of downloads a day.

    Right now, trending is kind of useless, as it seems all I've seen for weeks are watch faces by a small handful of developers, and no widgets, device apps, DFs etc.

  • Right now, trending is kind of useless, as it seems all I've seen for weeks are watch faces by a small handful of developers, and no widgets, device apps, DFs etc.

    Exactly! That's what I try Garmin to point to. There are a group of people who makes watchfaces one per day with simplest way of developing (just add the picture from the Web) and try to sell it for people. Okay, I can close my eyes on that fact, that this *** is paid, but I really hate that these people raise the raiting each other in such a brazen way. And users can't see applications of honest and diligent developers without long searching

  • It's really not hard to put the current "Trending Apps" below "Most Popular Apps" and call it "Most Talked Apps" (or "Most rated (both positive and negative)" - So more accurate).
    And put the "Most Downloaded Apps" on the top of the page - according to the number of NEW downloads (not updates, otherwise start releasing endless useless updates) for a certain period - for example, 5 days or a week.
  • As always, some companies have discovered a new business model and are now flooding the market with their products. This is actually unfair to the private developers, but I'm afraid they will be pushed aside. Unfortunately that is sad.

    Of course you can use a different rating system, but they will simply adapt. Honestly, I don't see any way to prevent this in the long term.
  •  is 100% right.

    it looks like a new type of SPAM for the Garmin Connect IQ Catalog!

    Hey, Garmin support team, are you going to stop SPAM attack? 

    For example, please moderate such uploads at the first and check your catalog.

    We want to use a useful and convenient directory.