GARMIN FENIX 6 Indoor Rower Sensor - BLE Service


I have a WaterRower, and I have developped a specific BLE sensor to record rowing data (Distance, Pace/500m, Avg Stroke, ...)

According to the Bluetooth specification, the rower_data characteristic belongs to the Fitness Machine Service. 

The Fenix 6 does not pair with Fitness Machine Service Sensor...

How do I get my Fenix to record some data from my sensor to send them to Strava ? 

What kind of Service do I need to use in the BLE spec ? 

It is wired cause rowing indoor shows field like time / 500m...

Thanks for your help and of course I will publish my code once finished.


  • 4 years later a newbie searches... I'd like to implement Fitness Machine Service 0x1826 for Fenix8. You had no responses--is this a dead-end? Jim

  • Check with my blescan app in the store and see if you can see the sensor.  That's step 1 if you want to develop and app in CIQ that talks directly to the sensor..

  • Thanks for taking the time to reply to a long-dormant post.

    To clarify, my specific question should have been does Garmin support FMS natively? Follow-on: is there a way to discover what other BLE services they support?

    Using bluez with Linux, I already have HR, CPS, CSCS, and RSCS working with Fenix8 with the built-in service "Sensors" HR, PWR, SPD/CAD, and FP. I know my FMS service works outside of Garmin ecosystem based on Linux BLE scanning and client tools.

    I'm unfamiliar with CIQ and the Garmin SDK, but you must be! I have discovered for example that Garmin does not like multiple UUIDs per MAC address so you cannot use a single adapter for multiple services. They don't use the DIS-model name for naming the devices mentioned above, rather just truncate the MAC, but oddly they do use it for earbuds.

    How good is their BLE stack? Hopefully is is not as "lightly documented" as bluez or D-Bus is for Linux.

    Does blescan have a mode where it only shows scanned devices that Garmin supports (a feature request?)  I see my devices below but lots of other stuff as well. I couldn't actually connect using buttons--is Fenix8 12.19 beta supported?

    Thanks for any and all advice!

    (edit) ...just did a search for all your posts and got a couple answers. Long press up = Menu. Devices connect. Will check out more of what you've done.


  • If you want to use it as a standard sensor, what happens when you look for the sensor in "sensors and accessories" on the f6 itself?  I'm not sure all devices even look for your type of sensor.  You can also check in the fenix 6 product forum.