ConnectIQ Simulator does not work on macOS Catalina

Eclipse works great.

ConnectIQ Eclipse plugin works great.

Java works great.

BUT if I try to run the ConnectIQ simulator ( it does not start.

Manually if I run

"sudo ./"

it works, but Eclipse runs it without SUDO so it never works,

Anyone has the solution?

  • Could this be involved?

    (from the 3.1.9 announcement)

    Require MacOS 10.9 to run the simulator and Monkey Motion

  • I believe it is a minimum requirement. macOS 10.9 is very old (year 2013). And I'm able to run the ConnectIQ SDK 2.4.7 without any problem on my mac. I'm having problems with ConnectIQ SDK 3.x.

  • Works for me. But there is caveat w SDK 3.1.9 with black dialog boxes. (See forum post)

  • Fast Forward to 2024. Same finding: ConnectIQ simulator ( does not start any more.
    Maybe it is because of updating to MacOS Sonoma 14.6.1 which I have done yesterday.

    Starting the simulator with sudo still works ("sudo ./"), but cant be used since it searches for simulator configs in home of root instead of my private users home.

  • strange it works for me with Sonoma, and I also gradually upgraded MacOS in the past years, and it always worked.

    If I were you I'd try to uninstall the SDK, try to delete all other files that it might left on the disk, then reinstall

  • Uninstall and reinstall did not improved the behaviour.

    I opened a support request with Garmin since with Sonoma 14.6.0 it was working and with older SDK on my machine it is also broken now.

    '/Users/ksweber/Library/Application Support/Garmin/ConnectIQ/Sdks/connectiq-sdk-mac-7.2.1-2024-06-25-7463284e6/bin/'
    2024-08-21 10:58:40.786 simulator[22921:543211] WARNING: Secure coding is automatically enabled for restorable state! However, not on all supported macOS versions of this application. Opt-in to secure coding explicitly by implementing NSApplicationDelegate.applicationSupportsSecureRestorableState:.

    ksweber in ~/
    > echo $?

    Garmin developer support rejected the request and pointing to this forum to get support. Garmin developer support is only supporting API topics.

  • Do you have a file named ~/Sim-<username>? If so delete it and try again. Please report back if this file exists.

  • Yes I had a file ~//Sim-ksweber of rather new creation date.

    ls -l ~/Sim-ksweber
    -rw-------@ 1 ksweber  staff  4 19 Aug 22:10 /Users/ksweber/Sim-ksweber

    After removal I restarted the simulator without sudo and he started initializing the GUI, but then died with Segmentation Fault.

    .~ > '/Users/ksweber/Library/Application Support/Garmin/ConnectIQ/Sdks/connectiq-sdk-mac-7.2.1-2024-06-25-7463284e6/bin/'
    2024-08-21 16:45:31.917 simulator[29410:771745] WARNING: Secure coding is automatically enabled for restorable state! However, not on all supported macOS versions of this application. Opt-in to secure coding explicitly by implementing NSApplicationDelegate.applicationSupportsSecureRestorableState:.
    16:45:31: Debug: Adding duplicate image handler for 'JPEG file'
    zsh: segmentation fault 
    .~ > echo $?
  • What if you rename ~/Library/Application\ Support/Garmin/ConnectIQ and relaunch the sim, does it work?

  • Renaming ConnectIQ to ConnectIQ2 still produces the segmentation fault.

    Then I moved the Garmin folder to /tmp an still segmentation fault:

    ~ > '/tmp/Garmin/ConnectIQ/Sdks/connectiq-sdk-mac-7.2.1-2024-06-25-7463284e6/bin/'
    2024-08-21 22:11:22.519 simulator[36103:945080] WARNING: Secure coding is automatically enabled for restorable state! However, not on all supported macOS versions of this application. Opt-in to secure coding explicitly by implementing NSApplicationDelegate.applicationSupportsSecureRestorableState:.
    22:11:22: Debug: Adding duplicate image handler for 'JPEG file'
    zsh: segmentation fault 

    I can provide a thread dump if this would help you debug the issue.