Popping views to save CPU use

I've got a ciq recording that starts to be recorded on a single page, and is recording an end of session custom field  at the end along with the standard garmin  info

If I pop view the page that created the session and started the recording.... would it be fair to say the recording would continue until stop is provided by any view, and if another variable was also being recorded during session , it would continue to be recorded..... if the new page didn't update the variable value then it will record the same value every second until returning to a view that did  update it? 

  • Sometimes the easiest thing to do is drop some println calls in your code to see when things run, look at the time it takes for things to run (Sys.getTimer()) and look at memory (Sys.getDeviceStats().freeMemory) as there are things that may be specific to your app.