GRADE Calc - Filtered and Fit

I carefully watched the GARMIN Edge 1030 barometric sensor data on a ride yesterday.

Riding in Florida on an essentially FLAT road, the floating-point altitude metric bounces around +/- up to 2.5 feet each second.

The problem is that most even strong climbers, climb less than 1 foot per second. That is about a VAM of 1000 (1000 vertical meters per hour).

So the "noise" in the barometric sensor data can be twice as much as the typical climb rate. In other words, half the time, the "next" altitude reading suggests you are going down when you are on a steady steep climb.

I tried running a least squares line fit over 10 data points to get the GRADE "trend" that hopefully ignores the sensor noise. I didn't want to use more than 10 seconds or the response to changes in the road's grade would be too slow. But I still got a GRADE metric that bounced around too much.

So I just applied a "median value" filter, and that works great. I take the MEDIAN value of the last 4 plus the current altitude reading, as the altitude. Using the median does a good job of ignoring noise. And then I apply a least squares line fit to the last 10 filtered altitude values.

Anyway, if anyone is trying to create a useful GRADE metric in their CIQ apps, this seems to work well.

Since, for some reason, Garmin doesn't want to let us have access to the device's GRADE value.

  • I was just thinking about this myself. I wanted to implement code, but haven't sat down to do that yet. , could you maybe post the CIQ class/function that implements this? I know most of it is available from the pseudocode above, but if you've already created the MonkeyC instance, that would be great.

  • The class works perfectly as posted by  above; just save as e.g. file.

    How I implemented in my WatchUi.DataField class:

    First I initialized all required variables:

    // Variables to store 'measured' altitude and elapsedDistance
    hidden var altitude = 0;
    hidden var elapsedDistance = 0;
    hidden var lastElapsedDistance = 0;
    // Variables to store 'filtered' altitude and elapsedDistance
    hidden var altitudeKalmanFilter;
    hidden var distanceKalmanFilter;
    // Variables to store gradient (and VAM)
    hidden var grade = 0;
    hidden var vam;

    Then I initialize 2 SimpleKalmanFilter classes, one for altitude and one for distance, within my DataField.initialize() function:

    function initialize() {
        var errMeasure = Properties.getValue("AltErrMeasure");
        var errEstimate = Properties.getValue("AltErrEstimate");
        var maxProcessNoise = Properties.getValue("AltMaxProcessNoise");
        altitudeKalmanFilter = new SimpleKalmanFilter(errMeasure, errEstimate, maxProcessNoise);
        errMeasure = Properties.getValue("DistErrMeasure");
        errEstimate = Properties.getValue("DistErrEstimate");
        maxProcessNoise = Properties.getValue("DistMaxProcessNoise");
        distanceKalmanFilter = new SimpleKalmanFilter(errMeasure, errEstimate, maxProcessNoise);

    Within my DataField.compute(info) function I calculate gradient (grade) and VAM:

    function compute(info) {
    	altitude = info.altitude;
    	// Active Timer Values
    	if (timerState == Activity.TIMER_STATE_ON) {
    	    elapsedDistance = (info.elapsedDistance != null) ? (info.elapsedDistance) : (0);
    		// Calculate smooth Gradient and VAM, applying Simple Kalman Filter
    		if (elapsedDistance != 0) {
        		var lastAltitude = altitudeKalmanFilter.getLastEstimate();
        		var lastDistance = distanceKalmanFilter.getLastEstimate();
        		var currentAltitude = altitudeKalmanFilter.updateEstimate(altitude);
    			var currentDistance = distanceKalmanFilter.updateEstimate(elapsedDistance - lastElapsedDistance);
    			grade = (currentAltitude - lastAltitude) / currentDistance * 100;
    			vam = ((currentAltitude - lastAltitude) * 3600).toNumber();
    		lastElapsedDistance = elapsedDistance;

    Also don't forget to implement DataField.onTimerStart() and DataField.onTimerResume(), as  mentioned: "Take into account that in order to avoid abnormal results during initial seconds, you must set initial state of the filter passing the first reading of the magnitud to be filtered when you run the filter for first time or you resume it after pausing."

    function onTimerStart() {
    function onTimerResume() {

    Happy riding!

  • Awesome!! Thank you!! I’ll implement and do some IRL testing.

  • Ow, and note that I've set the Kalman Filter variables (errMeasure, errEstimate and maxProcessNoise) as properties/settings, so I can change them via Garmin Connect without having to change the app. Let me know if this requires further clarification.

  • Hi,  I implemented the filter same way you describe in my datafield eGEAR+. Unfortunatelly, current year I have not been able to do so much real test due to some personal issues (last one home confinement in Spain due to coronavirus Disappointed). It works quite well using parameters I propose above, but for sure it could be optimized. So if you work on it, I will be glad of hearing from you to make results better.

  • Sounds like I've got some studying to do... catching up on Kalman Filter NerdWink

  • Great idea. As you tweak those variables and arrive at a set that seems optimal, give us an update.

  • After studying some theory of Kalman Filtering and working on a model (in Excel) to reproduce results and validate filter settings by playing with the variables, I realized that I've incorrectly applied (this simple) Kalman filter to elapsed distance... as a result this roughly reduces distance to half the real distance, hence distorts gradient calculation. I've adapted to apply the filter to distance between 2 measurements instead of total elapsed distance, which seems to produce good results. In a first attempt I've arrived at reasonable results with below. 

    Initial Kalman Filter Values for: Altitude Distance
    Error of the Estimate: 0.5 0.1
    Error of the Measure: 5 5
    Max Process Noise: 0.1 2

    For altitude, Error of Estimate and Max Process Noise don't seem to make much of a difference, because they're being recalculated by the code. Error of Measure is the one that helps to optimize results.

    For Distance, Error of Estimate and Error of Measure don't really seem to influence the results. For this one it's much more the Max Process Noise that seems to drive results.

    See results:

    Estimated vs Measured: Altitude Distance
    Avg  -0.15     0.04
    Max 28.58  157.73
    Min  -2.41 -251.80
    P95   2.98      1.15
    P5  -1.52     -1.06
    Total   483.02

    Happy to share updated code and/or model when I have a little more time or when I've further optimized.

  • THANK YOU for the updated description of your analysis! I've love to get the updated code and even the EXCEL modeling tool. I'll also perform some analysis and if I find further optimizations, I'll share my findings as well. I imagine we may end up with a GRADE metric that is superior to Garmin's own internal algorithm. Here is my e-mail in case it is easier to send the code and Excel directly and we can exchange ideas: [email protected]
  • The code only requires two little tweaks:

    hidden var lastElapsedDistance = 0;
        var currentDistance = distanceKalmanFilter.updateEstimate(elapsedDistance - lastElapsedDistance);
        grade = (currentAltitude - lastAltitude) / currentDistance * 100;
    lastElapsedDistance = elapsedDistance;

    Plus of course initializing the variable and setting it to store lastElapsedDistance after calculation is done (I've updated my code above).