"tilemapper" tool for tile-mapped anti-aliased graphics

Hey folks,

Here's my command line tool that helps developers build tile-mapped anti-aliased graphics for Garmin wearables;

Way back in 2017, I showcased a tile-map sprite technique to compress graphics;

You've probably seen my anti-aliased watchfaces in the app store. 

This is one of the tools I have been using to develop them.

As a handy extra, I've also included two sample watchfaces, and their artwork. This includes a new "steamboat willie" watchface.

The great thing about this approach, is that you can scale your designs seamlessly across many different devices and resolutions.

Please be mindful that this is the first release, so your milage may vary with bugs, and platform support. Happy to hear your feedback.

Can't wait to see what you all create!! Slight smile

  • I would say donate to greenpeace or centerpoint (A uk charity for young homeless people) if you want to provide some sort of payment. I mean all i’ve got to do is run a python script to generate the resources you need and then I can just hand them back to you. I’ll take a look tomorrow if I can. 

  • Please just dont forget if you do it to put the minus sign in front of the start angle, finish angle and the minus sign before the 6, i did that error a couple of time and it makes the hands rotate in the wrong direction  Slight smile

  • Okay so i’ve done every hand, twas easy as pie.

    But I have a question, you’ve obviously divided your hands into quarters judging by the start and end angles 0-14 in the python command.

    This has resulted in a lot of files and will take up 1mb of space not including the code, is that acceptable for an epix 2? I don’t know the connectIQ storage limit for that watch. If thats is fine then all is well.

    Otherwise I might have to divide them into thirds which also as a benefit makes for reduced code length.

    Anyway i’m away from my pc for now so I can’t upload to github yet, should be able to later though.

  • hey hi, thank you so much....

    For the division in quarters....i did that because with tilemapper i couldn't do it in half.  The cmd was telling  me that it could not proceed because i was exceeding the number of maximum tiles allowed.  So i divided by quarters.  My dream would be to be able to do it in half.  If you can do it....please do.

    The watch is 416x416 and the image are of good quality, that might be why it needed more than 576 tiles each quarters.

    Thank you so much again  Slight smile

  • Think i tried it to, only quarters

  • https://github.com/IssBjorn/Watchface 

    Made the tile size 25. You have a choice of quarters amd thirds. I’ll leave it up to you to modify your eclipse code.

  • Hi Scarecrow, thank you so much.  As you can see in the pictures, it's going very well.  I made it, the hands are showing, with colors and the rotation is on the right size.

    There is only some finetuning left to do.  First, i am wondering if you could redo two tiles?  As you can see with the inside the yellow circle, one is a little to big (the one on the left) and one is a little bit to small (the one on the right).  i will put the two new images in the same github repository : https://github.com/JayBouch1977/tilemapper-test/tree/main/050123

    It will be amazing. I have one last question.  I am trying to put a background image in the back, behind the hands, but it dosen't seem to be working.  Only way seems to be to use fonts.  What is the best way to add a png in the background and have the hands over showing over it?  i do manage to make the png show but it is either over the hands (so we can't see the hands) or the hands are drawn over and we can't see the image...

    Thanks again  :)

  • Think you could help me a bit more?