"tilemapper" tool for tile-mapped anti-aliased graphics

Hey folks,

Here's my command line tool that helps developers build tile-mapped anti-aliased graphics for Garmin wearables;

Way back in 2017, I showcased a tile-map sprite technique to compress graphics;

You've probably seen my anti-aliased watchfaces in the app store. 

This is one of the tools I have been using to develop them.

As a handy extra, I've also included two sample watchfaces, and their artwork. This includes a new "steamboat willie" watchface.

The great thing about this approach, is that you can scale your designs seamlessly across many different devices and resolutions.

Please be mindful that this is the first release, so your milage may vary with bugs, and platform support. Happy to hear your feedback.

Can't wait to see what you all create!! Slight smile

  • I think you should input only masks, this means you should have your region of interest in black and the background in white, and no more colours, if you do want the red arrow to stay red on the watch what you have to do is create two files, one with the arrow only(black arrow) and one with the arm of the hand only(also black), then with these two files you can use the both on your code and simply change the text colours to the colours you want.

  • This is a better answer than I gave, I’m gonna remember this the next time I try this thing out.

  • This is correct. Fonts only support 2bits of depth, so that’s a foreground colour, 2 intermediate shades, and background/transparency. If you want multiple colours, you need to process multiple files. The included examples in the source clearly show how this works.

    Anyway — Glad you had some help from others to get this far. 

    Probably shows that my tool needs to be easier to use Blush

    There are some updates, so I’ll ship them to GitHub at some point.

  • Good morning ftrimboli, in fact your tool is nice and not that difficult, the only thing is that a step by step tutorial should be done (maybe a video on youtube) for people who are not really advanced in computer language or in building watches.

    I done the first part now (creating multiple tiles with different colors), my only problem right now is getting them to work in eclipse.  I am creating an awsome watch right now, in only one size for my watch (416x416 for the epix gen 2).  All the sample in here are made for multiple watch face sizes and watches.  Would there be any example on the web on how to work with one size watch (once again, people like me would need a tutorial on how to use the 3 files (json, png and fnt in eclipse).  I wanted both of you to see what i am working on

    thanks again

  • About updates, have you considered my PR Blush?

  • Pull request.

    It is a git term: when you make a change to source code in a git repository that you would like to be merged into the main branch, you create a pull request.

    The author usually reviews the pull request from another developer to decide if the code changes are good enough to be accepted.

    Usually done when fixing bugs or implementing new features or making improvements to the original code.

  • Would you mind helping me a bit making this project?  As i said, i am ok now with the tilemapper, i got the files (font, json,png).  Now i need to use them with the watchface.

    Maybevwe could disscuss on messenger or texto?

    I tried following what you did in your sample but it is not working.  I only do this watch face for one model (epix gen2) 

    Please help me  

  • So as i can see, no one can help me incorporate the tiles in eclipse for my project?

  • Hi sry, I can't at the moment, there are examples on the git repository of the tilemapper.