3.1.3 SDK Hotfix for fenix 6 issues


We've pushed a hotfix for the SDK to address the issues uncovered with fenix 6 builds. In short, the SDK we built had the wrong CIQ version associated with the device firmware so the device would not support PRGs built with 3.1.3. You should need only to remove and reinstall 3.1.3 in your development environment in and recompile to fix your apps. I've tested with the affected device platform to ensure that this build will indeed work. Sorry for the inconvenience, but great job getting this on our radar quickly. Also, how about that ERA viewer getting all of us on top of those reports right away! Thanks for the quick report so we could make a quick response.


  • Hi Coleman, if I may, I would suggest for next time to release higher version and announce that previous was broken. It will be MUCH less confusing to everyone. 

  • I seem to have a problem removing the 3.1.3 SDK using the SDK Manager - anyone have a workaround?

    If I click remove then it just doesn't seem to get removed - possibly as it is the current SDK. If I try and make an older SDK be the current SDK then I get an error:

    I then find that the old SDK I tried to select has now been removed instead Slight smile Trying to download that old removed SDK then fails to work and gives the same error! So I can't go back to an old SDK, and I can't go to the new patched SDK either.

    So I seem a bit stuck ...

  • Thanks for the feedback Jan.

  • I run into caching issues with Eclipse pretty often. I would navigate to your SDk folder and try removing the sdks.xml there, restarting Eclipse, then try downloading again. That usually gets me back on the road if I see some caching issue.

  • I would agree with you Jan that this is much clearer. But just for information, the recent SDKs have their directory naming changed so in addition to the version, there is a date as well. So, at least you can tell if you are running the good or bad version easily by looking here. If you see connectiq-sdk-win-3.1.3-2019-09-06-c7a130bdb, you have the original bad version. If you see connectiq-sdk-win-3.1.3-2019-09-10-ed887158b, you have the updated fixed version.

  • Thanks - but after trying that I still get exactly the same things occurring afterwards! The sdks.xml file that gets rebuilt afterwards is identical to the one I deleted (actually moved to desktop) when I do a file compare.

    I'm not exactly sure what that error means? Should I be able to download the Connect IQ SDK 3.0.11 when I have the new Connect IQ 3.1.3 IDE & SDK Manager plugins installed in Eclipse?

    Any other suggestions for how to get downloads to work again?

  • You can always do a direct down load, and then under window/preferences/ciq you can set the root for the SDK you want to use.  I never use the SDK manger myself, and just have a directory with the various SDKs.  The link for direct download is in Alpha Monkey C's post about the 3.1 release.

  • Thanks Jim Slight smile I believe that method has worked!

    Although a couple of things to note:

    1) The SDK manager does not list the SDK I have manually installed, and it still has a different link to download a (different?) 3.1.3 SDK which is of an older date. As you can see here comparing the line in the SDK manager to the build line underneath it:

    Does this mean that anyone using the SDK manager is going to still get the wrong version of the 3.1.3 SDK?! (Or is it just my installation that has become borked somehow …)

    2) The SDK Manager appears to work for downloading old SDKs, so long as you don't select the option to use that SDK as the current SDK. The problem with old SDKs appears to just be that you can not use them once you have installed the 3.1.3 plugins to eclipse. Even if I use the menu option Window>Preferences>CIQ to try and use an old SDK then I still get the error I mentioned above about the invalid devices XML for that SDK:

    So this means that once you are using the 3.1.3 plugins you can no longer make any builds using old SDKs - I don't know whether you are supposed to be able to or not, or if this is a bug? But I wish I had known earlier as it's possible I could have needed to make a patch build or do some debugging of an old build before finishing migrating to the latest SDK. The fact that when you click "Use as SDK" for an old SDK (which it says is invalid) and then it goes and deletes that old SDK just adds to the annoyance factor!

  • I don't use the SDK manager....

    As far as older SDKs, once they are on disk, I just use Window/preferences to switch.

    As far as the plugin, I've been using the latest 3.1.x version since the first beta of 3.1.0, and use it even if I've switched back to a 3.0.x SDK to publish.  I've been mainly using the current 3.1.x SDK while testing/debugging, so with the 3.1.3 release, I doubt I'll be switching back to a 3.0x SDK very often as I can publish with 3.1.3.

  • So if I can't switch to a 3.0.x SDK even using the Window/Preferences method to switch is that a bug I should log?