Where is the simulator's object store file stored on Mac OSX?
I used to know but now I cannot find it :(
err... i just got a mac early this year...
Where is the TMPDIR
I went to google and it says.
1) /private/var/tmp
2) /private/tmp
3) echo $TMPDIR
4) /tmp
all of those I do not see a GARMIN directory..
Yeah.. I now.. Noob...
$TMPDIR expands to /var/folders/tr/zkjwxlt11t93qm94bgpbs7n5b3y_7l/T for me, but it doesn't seem to work in Finder, just Terminal. Also, since it's in the temp directory it will get cleared from time to time. I just tried to go to $TMPDIR/Garmin/Apps in Terminal and it didn't exist, so I had to start up the simulator to create it.