Cannot edit app details. "Sorry, your message couldn’t be submitted because we’re having trouble communicating with our servers.... "

I cannot edit an app's details.  

I get the message 

Sorry, your message couldn’t be submitted because we’re having trouble communicating with our servers... 

It is not a communication problem.  I can edit the details of other apps.  Even if I make no changes and press submit the error appears.

Anyone have any hints?

  • Thanks but there are no special characters.  Especially since if I make no changes to the existing text and press submit, it still gives the error message

  • Look at the error message in the browser's inspect tool in the network tab. There usually you can see the real cause. And as I told you some Unicode (non-ASCII) characters that were allowed a few months ago don't work now, so I the fact that you did not change the text doesn't help

  • If you haven't resolved the problem, can you link to the app so we can see the existing description?

    I'm just curious if it's possible for me to recreate your problem by using the same description for a private beta app.

    I did take a look at some of your apps and I don't see any special / non-ASCII characters.

  • Thanks. The problem still exists.  It is:

    The text is in 4 languages.  EN,JA,RU, simplified chinese

  • what does the json response of the 1st request that returns 403 look like? IMHO you're not looking at the right place. 403 is probably because you're logged out (I don't know why but sometimes (like every day or so) there are times when I'm logged-in and out a couple of times every minute. Maybe this is what you had i the case of the 403.

    Usually what I see is not 403, but something else, and the json has an english sentence that in some cases is pretty self explanatory.

    Look at all the requests in the Network tab. (clear the requests), then click the save button and then see the 1st failed request's response body

  • what does the json response of the 1st request that returns 403 look like?

    It's actually not a JSON response, it's our favourite cloudflare error (as html).

    The reason the console displays an uncaught error about invalid json is because there's some javascript that's trying to parse the html response as json (presumably so it can display a user-friendly error). To be clear, it's apparent that the server would *normally* return JSON in a standard error situation (presumably containing a user-friendly error), but in this case, the cloudflare protection overrides/preempts the normal server response, and its human-readable HTML response is not what the front-end javascript code was expecting.

    You can actually kinda see that in the screenshot that was provided. [Note that the message shows data starting with "<!DOCTYPE html>" followed by additional markup.]

    The cloudflare error message looks like this in the firefox network tab.

    If I had to guess, I would say it's the same (or similar) root cause as the super fun forum problems where seeemingly "random" combos of text in a post/comment will be rejected. To me this makes this type of problem even more annoying because Garmin is absolutely aware of it by now [in the context of the forums].

    Not just that, but in the context of the forums, this problem also happened years ago on the old forum platform, with even greater severity than it did this time around.

    So not only should they be aware of the problems in recent months, they should also be aware of a similar problem from years ago (which has come back in a different form.)

    I can recreate the problem easily with a beta app of mine. All I have to do is set both Description and What's New to the English text from of the same sections of that app. I did not try other languages.

    I was able to fix the problem (for me) by changing the following text in What's New (see bold text).

    Original text:

    Version 0.11.0

    PRO Version only changes: Prevented possible crash if User Id setting is blank. Changed display of latest sleep data & HRV to only show data the previous night or 2 nights prior if sleep has not ended for the currrent day.

    New text:

    Version 0.11.0

    PRO Version only changes: Prevented possible crash if User Id setting is blank. Changed display of latest sleep data & HRV to only show data the previous night or two nights prior if sleep has not ended for the currrent day.

    Not that it matters, but in the old forum platform, we also had intermittent problems with typing a number as a digit or digits which could be resolved by spelling it out.

  • we had (not sure if we still have) similar issues in the forum. Can you notify IT so they can try to configure CloudFront for the dashboard, so it khmmmm..... allows using numbers ? I know it's not that simple, because numbers can be used in many other apps. It's just the symptom. But since it looks like it was fixed for the forum, they might know how to fix it for the dashboard.

  • Thanks a bundle.  That fixed it.  But there are many other places in the text where there are numbers and it doesn't choke on them.  Weird.