Even the WATCHFCE cannot be found in ciq, It disappeared due to an update
Even the WATCHFCE cannot be found in ciq, It disappeared due to an update
there were several garmin server issues over the weekend, would suggest to just reapply the update to your app.
Do you work 24/7 to support your apps? The CIQ group isn't that big, with most located in Olathe Kansas, US
That's just another inefficiency. The store should be added to the status page (and the forum as well) and there should be a way for us to let them know it's not working again. The more advanced version…
there were several garmin server issues over the weekend, would suggest to just reapply the update to your app.
Will re-uploading fix this problem?
It doesn't look like the problems are within the scope of the CIQ team. It's more like some backend process or something like that. I'm sure there are ops or devops somewhere in Garmin 24/7.
Another way to fix this is ... well to fix this
If the same thing happens more than 10 times then I stop and fix it. Developers who manage their time better than me probably do it after 3 times...