upload failures

I have a datafield  that I have uploaded to the IQ Store.


The original IQ file contained images for over 40 devices as selected in the manifest file but the store displays compatibility for just one device, an FR255.

If I try to upload an updated IQ file I get the red banner "problem connecting to servers" message.

I presume one or two of the compiled images is the problem but there is no indication as to which one.

I could untick a few and use trial and error to determine which device image is breaking things but that is impolite to developers as it treats there time as having no value.

How can I determine where the error lies without playing games?

  • I had this problem. Play games!

    Even after I found which device caused the problem (and o could upload an IQ file with the rest) it took about a month for the CIQ folks at Garmin to find why it failed (after what the fix took 1 minute)

  • I have multiple requests up to have the store errors improved do they're more helpful. The most common reasons for this are:

    1. An unsupported character in the app description, such as emoji (I also have tickets open to have this specific issue addressed)
    2. Attempting to upload an image in an unsupported format
    3. Including an unsupported product in the project manifest—make sure you don't have any preview devices included, just in case one is sneaking into the compiled project.
  • Thanks Brandon. Yes, I think I ticked a preview device (system #) in error. Seems OK now. I think I have run across this issue before but it is a while since doing any CIQ development. Interestingly the field and app I uploaded worked on the simulator for multiple devices but not on a real device. I think this was because symbol.toString() isn't implemented in the store product compilations. Perhaps this is only for development/debugging and I probably shouldn't have used it (I have been doing a fair bit of web PHP). There is always a learning curve even when moving back to a familiar development system. The move to VSC is better and the debugging is now reliable. I like the move away from being untyped as this saves a lot of runtime grief.